

于 2013-10-19 发布 文件大小:87KB
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  零点自动关机,应用程序编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Zero automatic shutdown, application programming source code, a good reference.)



0 个回复

  • 08652
    仿心电图演示源码例程,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和易语言模块智圆行方GDI高级模块5.5.ec,模仿实现心电图的画法。(Imitation electrocardiogram demo source code routines, programs combined with easy language and easy language support library expansion interface module Zhiyuan line party GDI advanced module 5.5.ec, imitate achieve ECG painting .)
    2017-10-14 11:17:43下载
  • 614321
    图片快速缩放移动源码,程序结合易语言DirectX2D支持库和OPenGL支持库,实现图片快速缩放移动。(Fast moving source image scaling , the program combined with easy language support library and OPenGL DirectX2D support libraries, which achieved rapid scaling moving image .)
    2017-05-03 14:05:38下载
  • 56771
    显示器延时测试源码,例程程序根据文字的移动速度测试显示器延时性能。(Display delay testing source , routine program to test the moving speed of text display delay performance.)
    2018-01-17 19:35:06下载
  • Miracle-landers
    一个和三剑客奇迹一样的登陆器就是把开始登陆去掉了,因不是防挂的,这样就不用网站系统就可以使用,完全在登陆器上完成(One and the same landers Three Musketeers miracle began landing is to be removed, because not anti linked, so do not use the Web system can be completely done on the lander)
    2021-03-19 14:59:19下载
  • 22248
    下载地址编码转换源码程序,例程结合易语言扩展界面支持库和应用接口支持库,调用易语言模块BASE64编解码.ec,实现普通地址与指定下载方式地址的编码相互转换。(Download transcoding source programs, routines combined with easy language support library expansion interface and application interface support library , call the easy language module BASE64 codec .ec, achieve common coding address with the download address conversion.)
    2018-04-26 11:44:47下载
  • 00934
    声卡测试源码程序,结合易语言系统核心支持库,实现了获取本机声卡信息,并测试的功能。(Sound test source program, combined with easy language support library system kernel to achieve access to the local sound card information , and test functions.)
    2017-11-28 10:45:08下载
  • 07007
    小雨密码管理系统易语言源码例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,使用易语言数据库实现密码管理。(Drizzle easy language source code management system combined with routine procedures easy language support library expansion interface , easy to use password management database implementation language .)
    2018-04-18 12:29:07下载
  • 13
    说明:  易语言代理扫描源码例程程序调用API函数利用S扫描器(S.EXE)扫端口,整理结果保存为IPS.txt,读取IPS.TXT验证代理。(The easy language agent scanning source routine program calls the API function to scan the port with the S scanner (S.EXE), the result is saved as IPS.txt, and the IPS.TXT verification agent is read.)
    2018-04-19 17:50:13下载
  • 74424131
    搜狐登陆易语言源码,例程结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用易语言模块彗星HTTP应用模块.ec,实现搜狐用户的登陆。(Sohu landing easy language source code routines combined with easy language support library expansion interface , easy language module Comet call HTTP application modules .ec, achieve Sohu user login .)
    2018-04-16 13:09:05下载
  • 74587346
    易语言保健院管理源码,应用程序编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Easy language health hospital management source, application programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-10-25 08:27:44下载
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