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于 2021-04-26 发布 文件大小:343KB
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  基于LMI 的输出反馈H无穷控制及其仿真,包含论文和仿真代码。(LMI-based output feedback H infinity control and simulation, including papers and simulation code.)



0 个回复

  • inventer_8_26
    该程序是我硕士毕业论文《单相并网逆变器》源程序,调试成功的。(直流直接逆变为交流的单相全桥逆变拓扑,有离网并网功能,锁相环过零检测再采用PI.)(This program is my master' s thesis, " single-phase grid-connected inverters," the source, debugging success. (DC-AC inverter direct single-phase full-bridge inverter topology, there are off-grid and network functions, PLL zero crossing detection and then using PI.))
    2015-01-24 17:36:25下载
  • tushuguanguanlixitong
    图书管理系统 一些基本的功能: 1:添加图书以及图书编号 2:能够实行基本的借书还还书的功能。 3: 删除图书信息等 (Some of the basic functions of the library management system: a: ​ ​ Add Books and Book Number 2: the ability to implement basic library book functions. 3: Remove the book information)
    2012-07-02 11:18:36下载
  • 3
    说明:  very important part in vlsi fabrication. Lithography process
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  • LMI-simulation
    基于LMI 的输出反馈H无穷控制及其仿真,包含论文和仿真代码。(LMI-based output feedback H infinity control and simulation, including papers and simulation code.)
    2021-04-26 09:38:45下载
  • n
    说明:  这是一篇硕士论文:论述了矢量控制的理、坐标变换矩阵和三相异步电机的基本方程式,推导出了异步电机在不同坐标系下的数学模型,实现了异步电机转矩电流、励磁电流的解耦,然后分析、比较了无速度传感器矢量控制的各种方法的原理及优缺点,对常用的自适应法和反电动势法进行了更为详细的原理和仿真比较,并将带速度传感器控制系统的性能和无速度传感器控制系统的性能进行了比较;最后设计了模糊控制器对电机定子电阻进行在线检测,增强矢量控制系统的鲁棒性。(This is a master s thesis : the vector control of the administration, the transformation matrix and coordinate with a three wire asynchronous the motor of the basic formula of the asynchronous motor, resulting in a different coordinate system of mathematical model, the realization of the asynchronous the motor turned the current, the solution urges, and then analyzing and my speed sensor vector control of theprinciples and commonly used to act against the law and pose a more detailed and emulation, and will take speed sensor control)
    2011-07-13 10:19:19下载
  • ZigBee
    说明:  提供了三套ZigBee兼容的 平台,为我们的客户提供一种 只需要添加应用的解决方案。 所有的三种解决方案都是建立 在CC2420/CC2520上,而且 有很好的共存性。这些兼容的 平台缩短了产品进入市场的时 间,简化了系统设计和ZigBee 终端产品的验证。(Provided three sets of ZigBee-compliant platform, to offer our customers only need to add the application of a solution. All three solutions are built on CC2420/CC2520, but also the co-existence of good. These platform compatible product to shorten time-to-market and simplifies the system design and test ZigBee end-products.)
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