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于 2009-02-27 发布 文件大小:4KB
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  普通的通信系统仿真平台的搭建,从发射端到接收端。(Ordinary communication system simulation platform structures, from the launch-ended receiver.)



0 个回复

  • doublependulum
    二级倒立摆的仿真 用simulink对二级倒立摆的模糊控制仿真(Simulation of double inverted pendulum with a double inverted pendulum on simulink fuzzy control simulation)
    2020-11-12 11:59:44下载
  • MycodeIII
    this is a Matlab code for classification of Hand writed data by Neural network (Elman Network)
    2010-07-02 22:03:19下载
  • GaussianMixtureModels
    隐马尔科夫的MATLAB代码以及原理,希望对大家有帮助,哈哈哈哈哈(The MATLAB code, and Hidden Markov theory, we want to help,哈哈哈哈哈)
    2009-11-06 11:22:55下载
  • tuxiangronghe
    这是关于MATLAB图像融合方面的书籍材料(This is the image on the integration of MATLAB books materials)
    2010-06-02 15:44:02下载
  • imelcepst
    这是之前上传的Extract_test_IMFCC程序里面调用的子函数,作配合使用,请看清楚再下载.(This is one subfunction of Extract_test_IMFCC uploaded before.Since pudn.com cannot upload several functions, they must divided.)
    2013-11-17 10:33:39下载
  • fftshift
    主要是用c语言实现matlab中的fftshift函数的,(Mainly used c language matlab in fftshift function,)
    2013-09-22 14:57:46下载
  • datasamp
    是用于模式识别中的一种数据采样方法,此方法是把数据按一定的比例分为训练数据和测试数据。(for pattern recognition of a data sampling methods, This method is data by a certain percentage into training data and test data.)
    2007-03-17 22:28:13下载
  • diancichangyudiancibohuandengpian
    这是一个电磁场与电磁波课程的幻灯片。对于初学者非常有帮助。(This is an electromagnetic wave curriculum with the slides. For beginners very helpful.)
    2007-05-01 03:57:24下载
  • PLL
    matlab中锁相环(PLL)的仿真...功能完好(matlab in the phase-locked loop (PLL) simulation function well ...)
    2010-05-09 10:56:09下载
  • scan_matching
    This a set of simple implementations for aligning scans of range-bearing laser data. They are written as demonstrations of basic algorithm implementations and are not designed for real-world (ie, efficient) application. The source code consists of MatLab scripts, mex-files and C++ code. to objects). This demo also provides a nice example of using "placement new" and explicit destruction. (This a set of simple implementations for aligning scans of range-bearing laser data. Th are written as a journalist in demonstrations of basic algor ithm implementations and are not designed for r Leveraging-world (ie, efficient) application. The source code consi sts of MatLab scripts, Mex-files and C code. to objects). This demo als o provides a nice example of using the "placement ne w "and explicit destruction.)
    2006-12-08 01:04:39下载
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