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于 2014-11-25 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  本算法能实现实现分难度、分知识点的题库自动出题,组卷(The algorithm can achieve sub difficulty, points out automatic knowledge exam questions, test paper)



0 个回复

  • 1rar
    山东大学威海分校曹老师C++期末考试试题(Shandong University at Weihai Cao teacher C++ final exam questions)
    2014-04-18 23:28:23下载
  • xsxxgl
    一个简单的学生信息管理系统,是小弟的第一个产品。。求指教。。(A simpl system for managing student information.)
    2020-07-03 07:00:02下载
  • CSharpDorm
    管理信息系统在现代社会已深入到各行各业,由于计算机技术的迅速发展和普及,信息管理系统MIS事实上已成为计算机管理信息系统,大学生宿舍管理系统就是一个典型的管理信息系统,它可以让宿舍管理工作变的更轻松。本毕业设计的任务就是设计一个大学生宿舍管理系统。其开发过程主要包括前端应用程序的开发和后台数据库的建立和维护两个方面。主要任务就是建立基本数据,后台程序主要负责的都是管理上的功能。(Management information systems in modern society has penetrated into all walks of life, due to the rapid development and popularization of computer technology, information management systems MIS fact become computer management information system, college dormitory management system is a typical management information system, which allows dormitory management becomes easier. The graduate design task is to design a college dormitory management system. Its development process includes the establishment and maintenance of both the front-end application development and back-end database. The main task is to establish the basic data, background programs are primarily responsible for the function of management.)
    2014-02-24 17:20:05下载
  • C11
    c#编写的图书管理系统,实现了增删改查的功能,连接了数据可,没有密码。(Library management system, to achieve the CRUD functionality. There are databases. No password.)
    2014-08-26 10:14:32下载
  • School
    学生管理信息系统,适应学校教学管理。学生资源管理(Student management information system to meet the school teaching management. Student Resources Management)
    2010-01-02 13:17:29下载
  • longgekuta
    针对肖田元教授所著的《系统仿真导论》中龙格库塔法参考程序研究生很难看懂的现象,我加上了注释,使初学者能把学习算法和编写程序对应起来,从而可以有效地掌握算法的实现,对于用龙格库塔法进行在线实时仿真、建模、最优控制及自适应控制的教学有意义。(Professor Xiao Tianyuan for the book " Introduction to System Simulation," in reference to Runge-Kutta method is difficult to understand the phenomenon of post-graduate program, I have added comments to beginners can learn the corresponding algorithms and programming together, which could effectively implementation of control algorithms, using Runge-Kutta method for online real-time simulation, modeling, optimal control and adaptive control of a meaningful education.)
    2010-02-07 17:09:08下载
  • StudentInformationManagementSystem
    学生管理系统 使用QT环境编写 使用的数据库是sqlite(student message management)
    2012-10-21 22:24:59下载
  • library
    图书馆管理系统,实现图书馆的查询、借阅、还书、续借等功能。(Library management system, library research, borrow books, renewals, etc.)
    2012-05-20 19:04:59下载
  • zhishool_v7.9.0
    智睿学校网站管理系统动态版,功能丰富,适合中小学校、高中、职业技校类使用,界面设计大气,后台界面看上去挺专业,功能主要有:系统设置、功能配置、新闻管理、用户管理、德育管理、作品管理、学生成绩管理、招聘及报名模块等。(Zhi Rui school website management system dynamic version, feature-rich, suitable for primary and secondary schools, high schools, vocational technical school classes use, interface design atmosphere, background interface looks very professional, the main function: system settings, feature configuration, news management, user management, Moral management, work management, student achievement management, recruitment and enrollment module.)
    2014-09-01 10:11:14下载
  • KC
    说明:  是学生管理系统,自己做的课程设计!希望对大家有帮助!(Is a student management system, curriculum design their own! We want to help!)
    2009-08-01 18:38:44下载
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