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于 2013-09-23 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  本代码是通过C语言来实现贪心算法求着色问题,包括具体问题和实现代码(This code is the C language to implement the greedy algorithm for the coloring problem, including specific issues and the implementation code)



0 个回复

  • Untitled
    航迹起始中的逻辑航迹起始算法源代码,本代码具有很好的航迹起始效果! (Track initiation logic for track initiation algorithm source code, this code has the effect of track initiation)
    2012-06-06 21:35:20下载
  • 44
    说明:  给定程序中,函数fun的功能是:将a所指3×5矩阵中第k列的元素左移到第0列,第k列以后的每列元素依次左移,原来左边的各列依次绕道右边。 例如,有以下矩阵: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 若k结果为2,程序执行结果为: 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 请在程序的下划线处填入正确的内容并把下划线删除,使程序得出正确的结果。 注意:源文件存放在考生文件夹下的BLANK1.C中 不得增行或删行,也不得更改程序的结构! (A given program, function fun feature is: a 3 × 5 matrix referred to in the first k elements of the left column to move Section 0, the k elements of each column after column followed by the left, the original columns in the left turn Bypass on the right. For example, the following matrix: 123,451,234,512,345 If k is 2, the program execution results: 345,123,451,234,512 in the program underscore the right content at the fill and to remove the underscore, so that the program reach the right result. Note: The source files in the folder of BLANK1.C candidates are not allowed by the line or delete line, nor change the structure of the program!)
    2011-08-11 07:53:10下载
  • npxkcsj
    数据结构课程设计,多种内部排序的效率分析(Data structure course design, the efficiency of a variety of internal sorting)
    2010-07-07 07:34:56下载
  • 第4章
    清华大学出版社,数据结构简明教程李春葆著,第四章源文件(Tsinghua University press, a brief course on data structure, Li Chunbao, fourth chapters)
    2018-02-03 14:39:12下载
  • Huffman
    说明:  数据结构:Huffman编码。哈夫曼编码是哈夫曼树的一个应用。哈夫曼编码应用广泛,如JPEG中就应用了哈夫曼编码。 哈夫曼树又称最优二叉树,是一种带权路径长度最短的二叉树。(Data structure: Huffman coding. Huffman coding is an application of the Huffman tree. Huffman coding is widely used, such as JPEG in the application of the Huffman coding. Huffman tree, also known as the best binary tree is a weighted shortest path length binary tree.)
    2011-03-29 22:44:59下载
  • Cpp2
    c-w算法,讲述一种分配运输的节约方法,适合于车辆的调度(c-w algorithm,About one distribution transport saving method, suitable for vehicle scheduling)
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  • binary-tree
    数据结构 二叉树的操作,可以对二叉树进行最基本的操作,先建立二叉树。(The operation of the binary tree, binary tree with the most basic operation, first create a binary tree.)
    2012-03-20 21:19:43下载
  • Haffman
    将一组数组转换为哈夫曼编码,使用数据结构中的二叉树功能实现(Convert an array to Haffman code)
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  • arc
    运用二叉树求代数表达式的值,将代数表达式的每个符号用二叉树结点表示,遍历图的每一结点,按结点值得不同采用不同运算方式(Solving algebraic expressions binary tree)
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  • zuixiaoshengchengshu
    最小生成树C语言程序,提供给喜欢编程以及数学建模的同学(Minimum spanning tree C language program)
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