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于 2014-11-28 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  Mitsubishi FX Keyreader to unlock FX1S,1N, 2N



0 个回复

  • mrLpWcAxB
    代码是用来实现向其他应用程序(记事本)中发送键盘消息的源码,一般,演示程序,很好用,罕见(The code is used to realize the source of keyboard messages sent to other applications (Notepad), generally, the demonstration program, well used, rare)
    2013-01-12 11:15:16下载
  • TFThanziyingwenxianshi
    基于火牛开发板ili9320TFT彩屏,ili9320屏上显示一个汉字,一个英文,一串汉字,一串英文,ili9320屏显示中英文混合显示。完美版。(AC adapter-based development board ili9320TFT color, ili9320 screen to display a character, an English, a string of characters, a bunch of English, ili9320 hybrid screen display shown in English. Perfect version.)
    2011-10-02 16:58:27下载
  • 111
    交通灯数码管显示4*4键盘修改时间~带仿真图和源代码 模块化编写(Traffic lights digital display 4* 4 keypad to change the time ~ with simulation diagram and source code modular writing)
    2013-04-20 17:42:36下载
  • Hittite-PLL-Design-Installer-v1p1
     Hittite公司以创新的设计使得其PLL产品性能优异,在相位噪声,杂散方面有着卓越表现,其芯片的高集成度使得外围电路简单,设计方便。所以随着电子技术的发展,对频率源的相位噪声性能要求越来越高,Hittite的低相位噪声PLL,在物理、天文、无线电通信、雷达、航空、航天以及精密计量、仪器、仪表等各种领域里都将大有用武之地。(The Hittite companies with innovative design makes the PLL excellent product performance, the phase noise, spurious aspects with excellence, its high integration chip makes the peripheral circuit is simple and easy design. So with the development of electronic technology, phase noise performance of frequency source is more and more high, the Hittite low phase noise PLL, in physics, astronomy, radio communication, radar, aviation, aerospace and precision measurement, instruments, meters and other fields will be great.)
    2016-09-21 21:34:42下载
  • How_To_Game_Programming
    Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Description is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
    2009-10-09 01:31:50下载
  • CodeWarrior
    CodeWarrior仿真与调试要点,CodeWarrior仿真与调试要点,CodeWarrior仿真与调试要点(CodeWarrior simulation and debugging points, CodeWarrior simulation and debugging points, CodeWarrior point emulation and debugging)
    2013-08-21 21:14:06下载
  • MPU6050_DMP6
    利用Arduino实现读取MPU6050的DMP四元数(Arduino MCU reads MPU6050 use a DMP quaternion)
    2013-08-28 14:57:56下载
  • MP3
    DIYMP3,能智能播放,很好的运用了STM32系统相关知识,花费了我将近半年的努力,基本上包含了STM32所有功能的应用。(DIYMP3, play to intelligence, very good use of the STM32 system related knowledge, it took me about half effort, basically contains all STM32 function application.)
    2013-07-31 15:52:24下载
  • Data-Acquisition-System
    数据采集系统 MAX1403.C 该文件是用于MAX1403的代码,包含了McBSP初始化、MAX1403初始化、McBSP读写等函数,读者可加入自己的工程之中去,并根据自己的要求适量修改之。 TLC5510A.C 该文件是用来驱动TLC5510A的代码,由于TLC5510A是总线型的高速AD,其访问较为简单,访问的方法及细节请见本书第17章。 MAX5444.C 该文件是驱动MAX5444的代码,由于MAX5444是单路高精度DA,所以,代码中只需执行系统初始化、McBSP初始化之后即可对MAX5444进行写数据操作,从而输出电压值。 AD7541A.C 该文件是驱动AD7541A的代码,AD7541A是总线型的高速DA,其访问方式如同片外RAM一样,请参考本书第17章的介绍 pdf 文件是“数据采集系统”的电路图实例,本电路图注重于高速AD、高精度AD、高速DA、高精度DA的连接方法以及外围电路设计,为读者朋友提供一个完整的电路实例。而C6713电路部分,只涉及C6713与四个AD/DA器件的连接关系,至于C6713的其他部分(如SDRAM、FLASH等)都略去,读者可参考另外相关的章节。(Data Acquisition System)
    2010-06-24 19:59:57下载
  • Mt
    说明:  多路温度测试模拟,使用VB写的,只是模拟(Many way template test source)
    2011-12-15 11:09:16下载
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