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于 2014-11-29 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  基于MATLAB差分进化算法的优化问题求解程序,算法内容及结果。(MATLAB offset optimization problem solving program based on evolutionary algorithm, algorithm of contents and results.)



0 个回复

  • Triangle_for_EM_EXPLORATION
    说明:  用c语言和matlab编写的、自动生成非结构化三角网格剖分的程序,用于地球物理勘探中的大地电磁、海洋可控源二维正演模拟。(Triangle.m is a MATLAB graphical user interface for creating 2D models and generating fi nite element triangulation grids. Grid generation is accomplished by an external call to the C-code Triangle.c, written by Jonathan Shewchuk at UC Berkeley.)
    2011-03-16 13:43:35下载
  • SIAM.Data-Clustering.Theory
    SIAM.Data Clustering.Theory.Algorithms and Applications.2007
    2015-01-22 14:53:41下载
  • els1
    用增广最小二乘法进行单输入单输出系统的参数辨识,输入采用幅度为1的4阶伪随机序列(Extended least squares method parameters identification of single-input single-output system, enter using the amplitude of a 4-order pseudo-random sequence)
    2012-06-23 21:11:36下载
  • adaptivestrategy
    You can disable this diagnostic by setting Automatic solver parameter selection diagnostic to none in the Diagnostics page of the configuration parameters dialog. Warning: Square root of a negative number in afcabs/SMC2/Hydraulic Actuator1/Fcn2 . Warning: Division by zero in afcabs/Fa1 . Warning: Division by zero in afcabs/ABS/ w slip/Fa3 . Warning: Input to lookup table in afcabs/ABS/mu-slip friction curve is NaN.
    2011-07-09 13:46:23下载
  • moni
    用正交调制方法实现模拟调制,包括AM,DSB,SSB,LSB,FM,AM-FM等,实现后,显示时域波形和功率谱密度(Orthogonal modulation method used for analog modulation, including AM, DSB, SSB, LSB, FM, AM-FM, etc., we can show the time-domain waveform and power spectral density)
    2008-12-13 18:18:06下载
  • matlab
    用matlab实现对语音信号的短时分析,包括清音和浊音的判决,基音周期的估计。(Using matlab to realize short-time speech signal analysis, including the voiceless and voiced the decision, pitch period estimation.)
    2008-06-07 17:58:02下载
  • assign
    说明:  The setting of the game is very simple: a bunch of people sitting at a round table throwing a dice at each turn, and things happen according to the value of the dice. We define moving right as moving forward on the linked list and moving left as moving backwards on the linked list.
    2019-04-30 10:56:08下载
  • NLMeans
    非局部均值滤波的算法,还不错哦~自己觉得很好(Non-local mean filter algorithm, is also a good feel oh well)
    2010-05-19 09:59:58下载
  • Simple_faceRecognition
    一个人脸识别的小小程序 ,请各位大神们不要太吐槽了。(A face recognition a little program, please God have Do too Tucao the the.)
    2013-03-15 16:57:05下载
  • pts_paprofdm
    pARTIAL TRANSMIT SEQUENCE is very effective technique for papr reduction in OFDM.It divide OFDM sequence into several disjoint sub sequences and convert to time domain then Combine with complex phase factors to reduce PAPR.In this code matlab simulation of this technique is implemented
    2013-11-08 19:45:23下载
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