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于 2013-03-30 发布 文件大小:966KB
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  sqlite控件下载(支持unicode)(the sqlite control download (unicode))



0 个回复

  • zidongdanji
    初学DELPHI时候做的模拟鼠标点击的小例程!(Beginners DELPHI simulation time to do a small routine mouse clicks!)
    2010-01-05 13:04:21下载
  • GetFileICON
    获取并枚举.dll .exe等文件ICON(Obtain and enumeration. Dll. Exe and other file ICON)
    2010-05-28 15:52:42下载
  • winsoftkeyled
    Sendkey sample source code in Delphi
    2015-07-18 15:29:14下载
  • PrintText
    Delphi PrintText打印文本文件内容,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi PrintText prints a text file content, learning programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-12-31 10:16:32下载
  • Delphi_485678
    Delphi:Delphi修改INI文件的内容,Delphi源码下载,通过一个窗体表单程序,对MyInfo.INI文件的各个节点值进行修改,INI文件在软件开发中常用作配置文件或数据存储文件,学会在Delphi中操作INI文件,是非常有必要的一个技巧。本示例程序用到了Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs,INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan (Delphi: Delphi modify the contents of the INI file, Delphi source code download, through a form spreadsheet program, for each node value MyInfo.INI modify files, INI files in software development is often used as a configuration file or data storage files, learn Delphi INI file in the operation, it is very necessary for a skill. This sample program uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan )
    2014-07-01 01:04:58下载
  • CoreFunctions
    Nice "Core" Functions I compiled to do most common functions in Delphi. Makes my life easier and I use it in almost all mo apps. It mostly consist of conversion functions... (Delph
    2012-04-18 15:36:08下载
  • EditorViewAPI
    本演示展示了如何扩展Delphi的IDE编辑器包括图形控制,标签插入,和选项设置。加载TestEditorViewAPI.dproj后,通过右键单击TestEditorViewAPI.bpl在项目经理和采摘安装来安装该软件包。一旦构建并安装完成后,程序包将添加以下内容: 新的IDE菜单项,查看|弹力球,这将创建一个新的编辑器选项卡中有一个反弹球,和相关的关闭BouncyBall项目。 一个新的标签叫做“操作系统文件信息”控股与由当前显示的编辑标签所代表的单元文件中的数据。(This demo shows how to extend the Delphi IDE editor includes graphical control, tag insertion, and option settings. After loading TestEditorViewAPI.dproj, click TestEditorViewAPI.bpl the project manager and picking Install to install the package by right. Once constructed and installed, the package will add the following: The new IDE menu items, see | elastic ball, which will create a new editor tab has a bouncing ball, and the associated closed BouncyBall projects. A new label called data " Operating System File Information" Holding the unit files currently displayed by the Edit tab represents the.)
    2014-01-27 23:49:25下载
  • 2108_三层ERP系统 (SQL)
    一套可以学习的三层框架源,仅大家学习用。(A set of three-tier framework source can be learned, only for everyone to learn.)
    2020-06-24 22:00:02下载
  • 交通线程
    一个交通红绿灯线程,利用组件timer来进行时间分割,出来的效果真的不错~(a traffic light threads, the use of components timer for time-sharing, the result is really good ~)
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    Delphi 7.1 Update 升级包(Delphi 7.1 Update package.rar)
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