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于 2021-03-04 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  这个程序是王永良的空间普估计理论与算法中的幅相误差校正中自校正算法,找了好久找不到源程序,此程序是本人亲自编写,此方法的缺点是容易陷入局部最优解,具体看程序仿真图(This program is estimated Pu Wang Yongliang space theory and algorithms of amplitude and phase error correction in self-calibration algorithm, for a long time could not find the source, this program is a personally written, the disadvantage of this method is easy to fall into local optimal solution, specifically to see the program simulation map)


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0 个回复

  • Maximum-Entropy
    In the distributed processing, where common labeled data may be not available for designing classifier ensemble, however, an ensemble solution is necessary, traditional fixed decision aggregation could not account for class prior mismatch or classifier dependencies in electronic technology. Previous transductive learning strategies have several drawbacks, e.g., feasibility of the constraints was not guaranteed and heuristic learning was applied. We overcome these problems by developing improved iterative scaling (IIS) algorithm for optimal solution. This method is shown to achieve improved decision accuracy over the earlier approaches in electronic technology
    2015-03-18 21:44:09下载
  • Matlabhandbookhtml
    网页版MATLAB的用户手册,非常方便查询MATLAB的所有命令。(A very good book to learn the communication aspects of MATLAB, which contains MATLAB source code can be directly run.)
    2014-03-13 22:16:44下载
  • svm
    2010-08-23 15:01:25下载
  • 多项式最小二乘法
    说明:  多项式最小二乘法 三弯矩插值法 lagrange多项式插值 多项式最小二乘法 龙贝格积分法 分段线性插值 三转角插值 这些是数值分析中常用的集中经典方法,运用matlab展示出来!(least squares polynomial interpolation three Moment Hangzhou polynomial interpolation polynomial least-squares method Long Bagby integration piecewise linear interpolation three corner interpolation these numerical analysis is commonly used in concentrated classical method, using Matlab show!)
    2006-01-13 18:33:26下载
  • fs11
    this is new approach for fuel cell control.it is really helpfull.
    2013-09-09 17:14:25下载
  • jiefeifengfangcheng
    从3种不同的方法来分析,实现解微分方程。(From three kinds of different ways to analyze and realize solving differential equations.)
    2015-01-20 14:43:27下载
  • point_detect
    该MATLAB程序实现语音端点检测,能够检测出一个音频文件中的话音部分(This MATLAB program realizes the voice activity detection )
    2013-03-20 21:42:03下载
  • Matlabmanual
    MATLAB详细手册,初学者推荐,希望大家喜欢.(MATLAB detailed manual, recommended for beginners, I hope everyone likes.)
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  • LTEforUMTSOFDMAandSCFDMABasedRadioAccess
    LTE for UMTS - OFDMA and SC-FDMA Based Radio Access 关于随机接入很好的一本书籍是针对LTE系统的。(LTE for UMTS- OFDMA and SC-FDMA Based Radio Access on the random access good books for a LTE system.)
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  • UWB_Lecture03_v2
    About UWB A co-basis is a special orthonormal basis, of the Hilbert function space, whose base functions are shape-invariant to Fourier transform except for phase shifts known a priori. A notable advantage of the co-basis orthonormal-expansion method lies in that it essentially conceals the difference between time- and frequency-domains expansions, such that expanding the UWB spectra (frequency domain) is almost equivalent to expanding the pulse shapes (time domain), making the designing task significantly simple. This paper highlights this advantages through tutorial examples on the design of UWB pulses with DAA functionality that meets Korea spectrum regulations.(About UWB)
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