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于 2014-12-06 发布 文件大小:22KB
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说明:  samlple,HJ dtaaHJ反演气溶胶源(HJhjhj samlple,HJ dtaa samlple,HJ dtaa)



0 个回复

  • cthd39-40
    MATLAB实现对该系统的潮流计算。需要MATLAB语言编制程序形成节点导纳矩阵、形成雅克比矩阵、用高斯消去法解修正方程式,并编写输出程序用以输出节点导纳矩阵、节点电压(包括电压的相角和幅值)、以及各支路的首端功率、末端功率和功率损耗(MATLAB implementation of the system flow calculation. MATLAB programming language requires the formation of the node admittance matrix, Jacobian matrix formed by modified Gaussian elimination method for solving equations, and write out procedures for the admittance matrix of the output node, the node voltage (including the voltage phase angle and amplitude), and the first end of each branch of power, end power and power loss)
    2011-06-08 03:16:26下载
  • FM_phase_noise_1
    The file calculates and plots FM noise sidebands for a carrier. It also does sinusoidal modulation. This simple way of adding noise to a carrier is useful for simulation of PLLs. It turns out, though, that the mean of the randn function is not as close to zero as it could be, and this causes the fft to generate extra sideband energy, which makes it appear as if the noise is not what would be expected. This program gets around this by adding a fudge factor to the randn results to eliminate this problem. It took me ages to figure this out, I hope to reduce a similar effort for others
    2011-07-20 21:08:11下载
  • ex_14_01
    一个BP练习程序,通过修改输入输出的参数,可以观察这些变动对预测效果的影响。(a Backprogation code,can be used to practise the parameters divergence and the fortelling effect.)
    2010-02-24 21:34:21下载
  • TU-0634
    文件目录及说明 FEMT3.FOR -平面三角形3结点有限元源程序 FEMQ4.FOR -平面四边形4结点等参有限单元法源程序 FEMT3.exe -平面三角形3结点有限元执行程序 FEMQ4.exe -平面四边形4结点等参有限单元法执行程序 FEM8nod.exe 空间六面体8结点有限单元法执行程序 FEM20nod.exe -空间六面体20结点有限单元法执行程序 Wenkong.exe 温度场与温度徐变应力有限元执行程序 fem8dat 空间六面体8结点有限元程序输入数据文件 fem20dat 空间六面体20结点有限元程序输入数据文件 nodstr8 空间六面体8结点有限元程序输出结果文件 nodstr20 -空间六面体20结点有限元程序输出结果文件 平均气温.txt 平均气温资料, 算例A-5输入数据文件 Appldat 算例A-5输入数据文件 nodTemp 算例A-5各时刻结点温度。 nodTemStr -算例A-5各时刻结点位移和应力。 Tempmax 算例A-5各时刻最高温度值。 xStremax 算例A-5各时刻 x方向最大应力值。 yStremax 算例A-5各时刻 y方向最大应力值。 (very good )
    2015-09-28 21:40:40下载
  • multipath
    这是一个多径信道下源码,有一定的参考价值,希望对大家有用!(This is a multi-path channel under the source, have a certain reference value, useful for all of us hope!)
    2007-11-28 21:16:25下载
  • imagecompression
    说明:  图像压缩:对图像进行压缩,取得了比较好的压缩效果。(image compression:compress the image and get a good compression results.)
    2010-04-29 11:48:31下载
  • fangfang
    为了最大限度地减少能源采集充电通信系统传输完成时间,各 传输调度方案已被提出。然而,他们并没有考虑这个问题,其中一个发射器可能会失败 之前完成传输。为广播与能量收集解决这个问题,传输调度 切换发射器进行了研究。在广播通信系统中包括两个发射器和两个用户。该 发射器获取能量和独立工作交替进行。传输调度问题转化为 最小化传输的完成时间,在能量的因果关系的约束,数据传输的限制,而 发射器的开关约束。发射器的开关被证明发射机不应该停止传输解决 之前切换到其他发射器和切换阈值应当是零。然后,一个最佳的发送策略是 基于对速度区域和发射器的开关机制,早期的作品提出。建议的最佳传输 政策可以达到更大的速度比区域若干种次优的传输策略。( To minimise transmission completion time in energy-harvesting rechargeable communication systems, various transmission scheduling schemes have been proposed. However, they did not consider the issue where a transmitter may fail before completing the transmission. To resolve this issue, transmission scheduling for broadcasting with energy-harvesting switching transmitters is studied. The broadcasting communication system consists of two transmitters and two users. The transmitters harvest energy independently and work alternately. The transmission scheduling problem is formulated as minimising the transmission completion time, under the energy causality constraint, the data transmission constraint, and the transmitter switching constraint. Transmitter switching is addressed by proving that a transmitter should not stop transmission before switching to the other transmitter and the switching threshold should be zero. Then, an optimal transmission policy is proposed based on earl)
    2014-09-30 11:23:46下载
  • RAMF
    自适应中值滤波器算法RAMf在图像降噪方面的应用,实现参数适时改变,算法及代码(Adaptive Median Filters: New Algorithms and Results)
    2015-01-30 16:09:15下载
  • cs
    An Adaptive Diagnostic Observer(adaptive observer-based FE method)
    2013-12-19 01:56:09下载
  • Poincare
    庞加莱截面绘制,可以自己调节参数,帮助学习(duffing poincare Poincare section drawing can adjust parameters to help learning.)
    2018-12-06 11:05:36下载
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