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于 2014-12-06 发布 文件大小:4666KB
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  matlab简单示例练习,matlab2010版本,实用的教程算例。。。(Matlab simple example exercise)



0 个回复

  • solve
    用牛顿法解方程组,迭代法解方程组和求矩阵最大特征值(Newton Method with equations, iterative methods for solution of matrix equations and the largest eigenvalue)
    2009-03-30 10:58:28下载
  • saleh
    说明:  功率放大器无记忆模型saleh的MATLAB程序(Memoryless Saleh model power amplifier of the MATLAB program)
    2021-05-16 17:30:02下载
  • Gridlinesonimage
    This code is written to show the grid lines on an image
    2013-02-09 12:19:19下载
  • abhpeak
    matlab code for peak of speach
    2014-12-06 12:42:36下载
  • Random walk around antlion
    说明:  通过蚂蚁的随机移动而提出的一种随机游走算法(A random walk algorithm based on the random movement of ants is proposed)
    2020-06-20 11:20:02下载
  • ii
    说明:  Shrink the image by a factor of two using the bilinear interpolation and zoom this image to the original size again. Does this image differ from the original one?
    2014-09-11 15:07:29下载
  • dsp-source-code-
    基音周期估计的MATLAB实现,一段代码,已经验证,可下载(find pitch use MATLAB)
    2011-12-27 22:23:12下载
  • Fuzzy-Synthetic-Evaluation-Model
    在MATLAB下实现模糊综合评价,有GUI用户界面,例子为打分系统,为初学者提供帮助。 简介:模糊综合评价法是一种基于模糊数学的综合评标方法。该综合评价法根据模糊数学的隶属度理论把定性评价转化为定量评价,即用模糊数学对受到多种因素制约的事物或对象做出一个总体的评价。它具有结果清晰,系统性强的特点,能较好地解决模糊的、难以量化的问题,适合各种非确定性问题的解决。(Achieved in MATLAB comprehensive uation, there are GUI user interface, examples of scoring system, for beginners to help. Profile: fuzzy comprehensive uation is a comprehensive uation method based on fuzzy mathematics. The comprehensive uation method based on the theory of fuzzy membership of the qualitative uation into quantitative uation, which uses fuzzy mathematics by a variety of factors thing or object to make an overall uation. It has a clear result, systematic and strong features, it can solve vague, difficult to quantify the problem, for solving the problem of non-deterministic.)
    2020-10-28 09:29:58下载
  • sre_nonline_regress
    非线形回归程序进行最优化.(我上传的五个程序都是我个人做研究中写的,由于时间比较匆忙且只是自己写文章时做的实验,没有什么注释,如果有什么不懂的,可以email联系我:)(non-linear regression procedure optimization. (I uploaded five procedures are my personal study was done, Because of the time compared to just rush and write the article, so the experiment, nothing Notes, if what I do know, I can email links :))
    2007-04-11 02:35:36下载
  • DateStr2Num_debuging
    日期转换的程序。可将字符型日期转换为数值型。增加了一种常用日期编码格式。建议将其作为mex使用,速度有显著提高。(Date conversion process. Date can be converted to a numeric character. Added a common date code format. Recommend its use as a mex, the speed has improved significantly.)
    2013-11-17 00:05:00下载
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