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于 2021-05-07 发布 文件大小:133KB
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  基于ARM和uCLinux的嵌入式远程数据采集终端(arm uclinux)



0 个回复

  • C-program-of-BSS-and-examples-2
    在linux平台下,纯c写的盲信号分离的代码.它采用基于卷积混合的盲信号分离算法,不但可以分离人工合成的混合信号,而且对于真实环境中的卷积混合的语音信号也能够分离.在本程序中,包含了两个测试文件,makefile后便可以直接使用. 另外值得一提的是,压缩包里包含有一些语音处理方面的常用函数.例如fft变换,读取写入wav文件,以及一些常用的一维向量和二维矩阵变换的函数.这些可以直接应用在其他应用程序里去.(Linux platform, the blind signal separation of pure c write code. Blind signal separation algorithm based on convolution mixed, can be separated not only synthetic mixed-signal and voice signal convolution mixed in real environment can separation in the program, contains two test files can directly use the makefile after. Also worth mentioning is that the compressed bundle includes voice processing commonly used functions such as fft transform read write wav file, as well as some of the commonly used one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional matrix transform function. these can be applied directly into other applications.)
    2012-10-26 20:45:12下载
  • aeef
    实现无线遥控接收传感器的显示,能够精确实现无线遥控的精确接收,精确高效。(Realization of the wireless remote control receiving sensor display, can accurately realize wireless remote control receiving precision, accuracy and efficiency.)
    2012-05-28 15:58:30下载
  • ARM-uCLinux
    基于ARM和uCLinux的嵌入式远程数据采集终端(arm uclinux)
    2021-05-07 10:58:36下载
  • c-ke-jian
    这是本人上嵌入式培训时前期学校给的c课件。自己觉得不错(c ke jian )
    2013-09-04 12:24:30下载
  • ARM
    ARM嵌入式入门级教程,其内容很详细也很基础(ARM Embedded entry-level tutorial, its content is very detailed and very foundation)
    2013-03-05 21:09:48下载
  • arm920t201111768
    基于ARM920T的家居智能控制嵌入式系统设计(Smart home control based on the ARM920T embedded system design)
    2012-10-16 19:22:02下载
  • SendPkt
    基于短消息的移动通信场强信号检测管理软件,软件基于PC,用于与嵌入式信号接收板通信(based on SMS mobile communications market strong signal detection management software, PC-based software. for the signal and the receiver plate embedded communications)
    2007-06-29 17:39:27下载
  • Autnor
    作者自己编的小程序:全屏取颜色的程序,很好,可以用(Author himself compiled Mini Programs: the whole screen color program, very good, can be used)
    2019-04-23 06:10:11下载
  • C-program-of-BSS-and-examples-1
    在linux平台下,纯c写的盲信号分离的代码.它采用基于卷积混合的盲信号分离算法,不但可以分离人工合成的混合信号,而且对于真实环境中的卷积混合的语音信号也能够分离.在本程序中,包含了两个测试文件,makefile后便可以直接使用. 另外值得一提的是,压缩包里包含有一些语音处理方面的常用函数.例如fft变换,读取写入wav文件,以及一些常用的一维向量和二维矩阵变换的函数.这些可以直接应用在其他应用程序里去.(Linux platform, the blind signal separation of pure c write code. Blind signal separation algorithm based on convolution mixed, can be separated not only synthetic mixed-signal and voice signal convolution mixed in real environment can separation in the program, contains two test files can directly use the makefile after. Also worth mentioning is that the compressed bundle includes voice processing commonly used functions such as fft transform read write wav file, as well as some of the commonly used one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional matrix transform function. these can be applied directly into other applications.)
    2021-04-10 16:38:59下载
  • TCP_IP
    嵌入式tcpip源代码 短小精悍 参考价值高(Source code embedded tcpip)
    2011-11-25 07:55:49下载
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