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于 2013-10-05 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  Debye级数展开模型,计算均匀球形粒子散射角——散射光强曲线: 1. RB1.m 计算第一类Ricatti-Bessel函数的函数 2.RB2.m 计算第二类Ricatti-Bessel函数的函数 3. Alegendr.m 计算角函数 和 的函数 4. MieCoeff.m 计算米尔系数的函数 5. Amp.m 计算散射光复振幅的函数 6. DebyeIntensity.m Debye级数展开模型画均匀球形粒子散射角-光强图 (Debye series expansion model to calculate the uniform spherical particles scattering angle- scattering intensity curve: 1. RB1.m calculated first class Ricatti-Bessel function of the function 2. RB2.m calculate the second category Ricatti-Bessel function of the function 3. Alegendr.m computing angle functions and function 4. MieCoeff.m Mill coefficient calculation function 5. Amp.m calculate the scattering amplitude recovery function 6. DebyeIntensity.m Debye series expansion model painted uniform spherical particles scattering angle- light intensity diagram)



0 个回复

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