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于 2014-12-08 发布 文件大小:489KB
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  用MATLAB设计的四种FIR滤波器,每行代码都有详细的解释,适合于初学者学习用。(The fir filter designed with MATLAB ,each line of code has a detailed explanation, suitable for beginners to learn.)



0 个回复

  • BPSK
    简单的BPSK误码率仿真曲线,用MATLAB软件,画图很精美(Simple BPSK BER simulation curves, using MATLAB software, drawing a very fine)
    2010-07-10 17:50:53下载
  • GPS_buhuo
    2010-08-25 16:22:33下载
  • transrreflecN
    Does the graph of the reflectance and transmittance for the number N layers of the unidimensional photonic crystal. Reference: Fundamentals of Photonics-SecondEdition
    2009-10-15 23:41:19下载
  • SPBS
    static partial buffer sharing code (SPBS QUEUE)
    2012-06-02 07:44:28下载
  • MD_PBG
    金属-电介质(Ag-LiF)微腔模式及透射光谱计算(Metal- dielectric (Ag-LiF) micro-cavity model and calculation of transmission spectra)
    2010-06-22 15:51:37下载
  • zengqiang
    一个用matlab编写的基于的指纹匹配程序,可以下载来看看,希望对你有所帮助。(Written by matlab a fingerprint-based matching procedure, you can download to see, you want to help.)
    2011-05-14 17:36:05下载
  • Simulink-modeling-for-memristor
    研究了惠普忆阻器的电荷控制和磁通量控制模型构建了忆阻器的simulingk模型给出了相应的仿真结果.设计了一种基于matlab的图形用户界面能直观地展示忆阻器特性.通过该界面可以选择或设定输入电压的类型参数及忆阻器模型的参数简单方便地观察对应的输出结果(Studied the HP memristor charge control and flux control model constructed memristor simulingk model gives the corresponding simulation results. Designed a graphical user interface based on matlab can visually show memristor properties. The interface can be selected via the parameter or parameters to set the type of the input voltage and the memristor model is easy to observe the corresponding output)
    2021-04-20 21:18:50下载
  • FT
    说明:  禁忌(Tabu Search)算法是一种亚启发式(meta-heuristic)随机搜索算法,它从一个初始可行解出发,选择一系列的特定搜索方向(移动)作为试探,选择实现让特定的目标函数值变化最多的移动。为了避免陷入局部最优解,TS搜索中采用了一种灵活的“记忆”技术,对已经进行的优化过程进行记录和选择,指导下一步的搜索方向,这就是Tabu表的建立。(Tabu Search algorithm is a meta-heuristic random search algorithm. It starts from an initial feasible solution, chooses a series of specific search directions (movement) as a trial, and chooses to achieve the movement that makes the most changes in the value of a specific objective function. To avoid falling into local optimum, TS search uses a flexible "memory" technology to record and select the optimization process that has been carried out, and to guide the next search direction, which is the establishment of Tabu table.)
    2019-06-28 10:46:56下载
  • Adaptive_Filter_Matlab_code
    自适应滤波原理_西蒙.赫金_Matlab_源代码 希望能够对学习自适应滤波技术的朋友有所帮助(Principles of Adaptive Filtering _ Simon. Hyuk Kim _Matlab_ source code would like to learn adaptive filtering technologies help a friend)
    2008-01-11 21:02:05下载
  • matlab1
    是改进平方根法和平方根法的matlab小程序可以学习用的(Is to improve the square root law and the square root of the matlab can learn to use a small program)
    2010-10-22 11:35:28下载
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