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  精密单点定位的程序,是对初学者的很好的资料,很容易入手(Precise point positioning procedure ,is good information for beginners, it is easy to start)


精密单点定位的Matlab code



0 个回复

  • genbnk1
    matlab Genbank databse access
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    deFuzzy matlab code
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  • Gauss_Seidel_iterative
    迭代法是解线性代数方程组的另一类方法,特别适用于解大型稀疏线性方程组。它的基本思想是针对求解问题预先设计好某种迭代格式,从而产生求解问题的近似解迭代序列,在迭代序列收敛于精确解的情况下,按精度要求取某个迭代值作为问题解的近似值。迭代法具有原始系数举证始终不变,算法简单,编写程序较方便,所需存储单元较少的优点。(iterative method was the linear algebraic equations of the other methods, particularly applicable to the large sparse linear equations. The basic idea is to solve the problem in advance against the design iteration some good format, thereby creating problems for the approximate solution of iterative sequence, the iterative sequence converges to the exact solution, precision demanded by a certain value as a question iterative solution approximation. Iteration with the original proof coefficient remains unchanged, the algorithm is simple, the preparation process more convenient, less required storage unit advantages.)
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  • filter
    中值、均值、形态学滤波器及其优化对比试验(Median, mean, and optimization of morphological filter comparison test)
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  • LTE_Link_Level_Simulator_Vehicom
    Vehicom LTE Link Level Simulator (The LTE link level simulator is a comprehensive simulation software used for algorithm development, performance evaluation and system validation associated with LTE systems. The simulator have Matlab and C versions. The C version simulator consists of optimized algorithms which can be easily transferred to DSP platform. All the functional blocks provide dynamic memory allocation for data blocks and easy settings of parameters offering advanced user flexibility to customized simulation. When compared to other LTE simulation tools such as Steepest Ascent LTE toolbox and IsWireless LTE PHY Lab, our software not only provides a friendly GUI with various settings, user defined input and output data, and open architecture to integrate user defined function blocks, but also integrates our proprietary high-speed channel models for vehicle applications and high-speed trains applications. The The key features of the LTE link level simulator are summarized as below: 1) fast simulation speed, 2) )
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