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  MUSIC算法和Capon算法的仿真程序,自己编写,注释详细,方便大家理解(MUSIC algorithm and Capon algorithm simulation program, their preparation, detailed notes, to facilitate understanding)



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  • VBLS
    变分贝叶斯最小二乘法的matlab程序。(Variational Bayesian least-squares method matlab program)
    2009-10-22 21:34:26下载
  • gvfsnakeMATLAB
    gvf snake 邊緣檢測範例(包含範例圖)(1. Introduction and Installation Instructions ---------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) Active Contour Toolbox. The Matlab*.m files in this software distribution implement our GVF snake, the original (Kass, Witkin, and Terzopoulos) snake, the balloon snake, and the distance snake. These programs were designed, written and tested by Chenyang Xu and Jerry Prince. To install this software, simply unzip the file into an empty directory, making sure to ask your unzipper program to restore the directory structure of the zipped files. In this documentation, we will assume that you have unzipped the files into C:GVF. 2. Documentation ---------------- We have included two research papers that describe GVF. You can find these in C:GVFpapers. Brief descriptions of the software modules can be found in this file below. For more detail, you should run Matlab, add the path C:GVFsnake, and type "help function-name". F)
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    元胞自动机交通流模型,双车道模型,变道。(traffic flow model based on Cellular automaton)
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  • navimatlabcode
    matlab code for inertial navigation
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  • gmdh_example
    GMDH_main为GMDH主函数; variable_Combin为输入层初始变量选为x1,x1^2,x1*x2,x2^2,x2时的输入变量矩阵值 variable_select计算X_train训练输入数据,Y_train训练输出数据,X_test测试输入数据,Y_test测试输出数据 Combin为求变量的两两组合 Sym_Combin为求符号变量的两两组合 PE_AIC求每层各神经元的参数估计W,及训练数据在参数估计后估计的输出out_train,测试数据在参数估计后的估计输出out_test,还有与实际比较的误差平方和PESS, 以及准则值AIC sym_representation求最终的输入输出符号表达式 Criterion_value求准则值 (GMDH_main main function for the GMDH variable_Combin initial variables chosen for the input layer, x1, x1 ^ 2, x1* x2, x2 ^ 2, x2 the value of the input variable matrix calculation X_train variable_select training input data, Y_train training output data, X_test test input data, Y_test for the sake of the test output data Combin pairwise combination of variables for the sake of symbolic variables Sym_Combin pairwise combinations PE_AIC neurons find each parameter estimation of the W, and after the training data is estimated in the estimation of output out_train, test data After the parameter estimates of the output estimated out_test, also compared with the actual sum of squared errors PESS, as well as the final criterion value AIC sym_representation seek the input and output values ​ ​ of symbolic expressions Criterion_value find criteria)
    2011-04-27 15:32:58下载
    用 MATLAB控制摄像头读取图像 可以实现拍照功能(just do it)
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  • exp1
    语音信号处理,对输入的语音信号进行分帧处理,短时傅立叶变换,最后画出语谱图(Speech signal processing, the input voice signal processing sub-frame)
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  • algorithm-optimization-
    采用遗传算法和例子群算法进行优化,可以采用试验设计方法构建试验样本,用Kriging方法构建适应度函数,然后进行优化求解,记住,采用此程序是,应该安装Kring工具箱子(Using genetic algorithm and example of algorithm optimization, experimental design method can be used to build the test sample, with the Kriging method constructing fitness function, and then optimized solution, remember, is using this program, should be installed Kring tool box)
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