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于 2012-09-23 发布 文件大小:952KB
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  fisher判别分析的matlab压缩文件(fisher discriminant analysis)



0 个回复

  • s-function
    很少见的讲述matlab中S函数的功能,以及编写方法(Rare about the S-function in matlab function, and the preparation method)
    2011-07-13 19:41:01下载
  • gray-matching
    matlab 的灰度匹配算法例子,简单易懂,对初学的人比较适用(gray matching algorithm matlab example, easy to understand, more suitable for beginners who)
    2014-02-24 23:01:33下载
  • EMfor_neural_networks
    In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Will Penny from EE, Imperial College). The data and simulations are described in: Nando de Freitas, Mahesan Niranjan and Andrew Gee Nonlinear State Space Estimation with Neural Networks and the EM algorithm After downloading the file, type "tar -xf EMdemo.tar" to uncompress it. This creates the directory EMdemo containing the required m files. Go to this directory, load matlab5 and type "EMtremor". The figures will then show you the simulation results, including ROC curves, likelihood plots, decision boundaries with error bars, etc. WARNING: Do make sure that you monitor the log-likelihood and check that it is increasing. Due to numerical errors, it might show glitches for some data sets. (In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Will Penny from EE, Imperial College). The data and simulations are described in: Nando de Freitas, Mahesan Niranjan and Andrew Gee Nonlinear State Space Estimation with Neural Networks and the EM algorithm After downloading the file, type "tar-xf EMdemo.tar" to uncompress it. This creates the directory EMdemo containing the required m files. Go to this directory, load matlab5 and type "EMtremor". The figures will then show you the simulation results, including ROC curves, likelihood plots, decision boundaries with error bars, etc. WARNING: Do make sure that you monitor the log-likelihood and check that it is increasing. Due to numerical errors, it might show glitches for some data sets. )
    2008-03-05 19:22:23下载
  • simple-demo-ofmatlab
    matlab 的简单实例,大家有需要可以来下载(matlab simple demo)
    2013-07-24 09:55:57下载
  • 3DLuxunNaviDemo
    UINavigationController Push 堆栈动画(The Stack Animation of Push when UINavigationController‘s pushed)
    2015-03-07 20:36:22下载
  • meanshift
    实现高斯背景建模,并且提取运动目标。具有良好的适用性(Gaussian background modeling to achieve, and extract the moving target. Good applicability)
    2014-04-10 02:17:47下载
  • blcok_diagonalized_ci
    说明:  mimo下行基于块对角化信道逆转的多用户预编码程序。(mimo downlink multi-user precoding based on block diagonalization channel inversion)
    2009-08-26 14:16:44下载
  • EKF
    单领航者基于距离的协同导航定位, EKF算法, 算法流程部分可以封装为函数直接调用, 还给出了初始化, 用的时候自己分开.(EKF Collaborative navigation based on distance with single leader )
    2020-09-20 15:47:53下载
  • kalman
    卡尔曼滤波器的经典介绍。非常详细,通俗易通,中文版本(Classic introduction to the Kalman filter. Very detailed, popular ETS, Chinese version)
    2013-12-04 18:58:04下载
  • areaReadTemp.m
    This function reads in lat/lon and brightness temperature from a mcidas area file, into Matlab.
    2012-09-20 04:46:34下载
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