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于 2011-11-18 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  实现带通信号经过带通系统后的结果与其等效的基带信号经过等效的基带系统的结果比较 (With communication, realize through bandpass system with the results of equivalent baseband signal after the results of the system of baseband equivalent comparison )



0 个回复

  • Simulink
    一个详细介绍Simulink仿真过程的课件,对于刚开始接触Simulink仿真的朋友们很值得一看!(Simulink simulation of a detailed process of courseware, for the beginning of contact with friends Simulink simulation is worth a visit!)
    2009-05-26 18:11:16下载
  • puxianzengqiang
    利用最陡下降法分离宽带和窄带信号,实现谱线增强(you can separate broadband and narrowband signal by the steepest descent method to achieve line enhancement )
    2010-12-11 09:29:23下载
  • compressedsensing
    说明:  压缩感知雷达文献,里面包含大量关于压缩感知雷达文章(compressed sensing)
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  • genpls
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