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于 2013-04-13 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  根据小波变换后的模极大值 重建原始信号(To reconstruct the original signal based on wavelet transform modulus maxima)



0 个回复

  • xiaobo
    本代码给出了图像的二维离散小波变换分解、重构图像以及误差图像。(The code gives the two-dimensional image decomposition of discrete wavelet transform, image reconstruction and the error image.)
    2009-04-16 16:29:50下载
  • 源码
    说明:  带有多种小波基的小波变换程序,可用于图象识别,信号突变检测。(with multiple small Porgy wavelet transform procedures can be used to image recognition, signal mutation detection.)
    2006-01-04 14:14:32下载
  • UltraSound_program
    超声图像去噪,基于小波变换的通用超声图像去噪,能够有效的去除相干斑(Ultrasound image denoising based on wavelet transform common ultrasound image denoising, can effectively remove speckle)
    2010-01-27 15:51:02下载
  • 97wavelettansform
    9/7 二维整数小波变换,可以实现图像的无损恢复。(9/7 two-dimensional integer wavelet transform, you can realize non-destructive restoration of images.)
    2008-07-27 17:57:49下载
  • Untitled
    自己编写离散小波变换与离散小波反变换程序对一幅图像做2级小波分解(离散小波变换)与合成(离散小波反变换)(Write your own discrete wavelet transform and discrete wavelet inverse transform procedure on an image to do two wavelet transform (DWT) and synthesis (discrete wavelet inverse transform))
    2010-06-06 15:33:00下载
  • Wavelet-signal-
    小波信号分解与重构的Matlab程序,程序里边涉及卷积的直接调用的Matlab的conv()函数。(Wavelet signal decomposition and reconstruction in Matlab,Program inside invoked directly related to the convolution of Matlab conv () function.)
    2011-11-04 21:32:13下载
  • xiaobonenglaign
    本程序为小波包能量计算程序,根据相关资料,自己编写,计算感兴趣的频带能量,程序懂得人稍作修改就可以运行( U672C u7A0B u5E8F u4E3A u5C0F u6302 u803F0 u0B1 u7B97 u7A0B u5E8F uFF0C u6839 u636E u76R8 u5173 u8D44 u6599 uFF0C u81EA u5DF1 u7F16 u5199 UFF0C u8BA1 u7119 u6119 u5113 u8E1 u7684 u9891 u5E26 u80FD u91CF uFF0C u7A0B u5E8F u61C2 u5F97 u4EBA u7A0D u4F5C u4FEE u6539 u5C31 u53EF u4EE5 u8FD0 U884C)
    2017-05-18 08:53:12下载
  • 程序
    说明:  这是一个关于小波应用工程程序的期末作业,里面包括连续小波变换和离散小波变换,适合初学者使用(This is a project on the application of wavelet end of the operating procedures, including inside the continuous wavelet transform and discrete wavelet transform, for beginners)
    2005-09-06 21:34:39下载
  • JZBWav_4_29
    基于小波变换的语音识别,内含毕业论文和摘要以及可执行源程序(Speech recognition based on wavelet transform, containing thesis and summary of executable source code)
    2021-03-03 14:49:33下载
  • erweixiaobobianhuan
    此示意程序用DWT实现二维小波变换 1.调原始图像矩阵 2.进行二维小波分解 3.分解结果显示 重构源图像及结果显示 (This indicated the procedure using two-dimensional wavelet transform DWT realize one. Transferred the original image matrix 2. To carry out two-dimensional wavelet decomposition 3. Decomposition results show that reconstruction of the source images and results show)
    2008-03-30 00:28:45下载
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