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于 2012-10-08 发布 文件大小:14307KB
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  vc 的chm格式帮助文件,拥有全面的函数解释,能够很方便的找到所需要的函数说明(help file vc chm format, has a comprehensive interpretation of the function to be able to easily find the needed function description)



0 个回复

  • CD
    说明:  基于VC环境下的光驱驱动程序,可实现对光驱的弹出和关闭操作。(VC environment based on CD-ROM driver can be realized on the drive pop-up and shut down operations.)
    2009-01-05 19:42:46下载
  • ghost
    ghost远控源码 最初的开源代码仅供大家藏考应用!!!!(ghost remote control sourceghost remote control sourceghost remote control sourceghost remote control source)
    2012-11-26 04:07:26下载
  • zhigong
    职工信息控制系统 c++语言 (Information Control System staff c++ language)
    2009-09-12 12:06:16下载
  • liujiaopei
    MFC窗体程序,计算机图形学,在视窗中显示文字并可以移动。(MFC form, computer graphics, display text in a window and can be moved.)
    2014-01-02 22:47:46下载
  • WinpkFilter
    一个高性能的网络数据包处理架构,利用WinpkFilter可以利用应用层函数直接对数据包进行处理,甚至可以在应用层函数sleep()延缓数据包发送(WinpkFilter is a high performance packet filtering framework for Windows that allows developers to transparently filter (view and modify) raw network packets with minimal impact on network activity without having to write low level TDI or NDIS driver code. WinpkFilter is more than just a firewall development kit for Windows. With WinpkFilter you can make an application that inserts itself into the Windows network stream: custom firewall solution, internet connection sharing (NAT), IP shaper, VPN and many other low-level network solutions completely in user-mode using your favorite development environment: Visual C++, Visual C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, C++ Builder and etc. Using WinpkFilter requires no experience in kernel mode programming on your behalf since WinpkFilter provides you with powerful user level API. However, if you need to implement your solution (to achieve better performance) in kernel mode you can use well-documented raw IOCTL interface as well. )
    2020-10-04 18:07:40下载
  • acousticSourceLocalizationAlgorithms
    此代码为大学物理实验,声源定位模拟实验中用到的算法内容,用c语言实现(This code for university physics experiment, acoustic source localization algorithms used in simulation content, using c language implementation)
    2010-01-14 04:37:09下载
  • yy
    说明:  在LINUX下实现视频点播后台的登录界面(For video-on-demand is at the login screen LINUX)
    2014-10-25 13:10:33下载
  • Windows
    说明:  利用打印驱动程序生成SVG文件,很好的源代码下载把(Use printer driver to generate SVG documents, a very good source code to download the)
    2008-10-07 12:26:44下载
  • Cinfodlg
    sock配置学习(sock configuration learning)
    2004-09-29 10:18:16下载
  • Registry
    修改操作系统注册表,包括实例简介,创建过程,运行效果等等。(Modify the operating system registry, including examples of profiles, the creation process, run the effect and so on.)
    2008-03-31 20:59:54下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103771会员总数
  • 43今日下载