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于 2010-07-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  图像去雾技术(Haze Removal using dark channel)(Haze Removal)



0 个回复

  • SutureSuppression
    This is a matlab file to remove object using inpainting technique.
    2010-06-12 05:06:02下载
  • BasedonMATLABplatformGPIBInterface
    说明:  基于MATLAB平台的GPIB接口设计有关gpib接口程序在MATLAB下的实现(GPIB Interface Based on MATLAB platform design of the gpib interface program in MATLAB to achieve under)
    2010-04-27 09:28:58下载
  • matlab
    matlab使用教程,是《21 世纪全国应用型本科电子通信系列实用规划教材》。包含:第1 章 MATLAB简介;第2章 MATLAB语言基;第3章 MATLAB数值运算;第4章 结构数组与细胞数组;第5章 MATLAB 符号运算;第6章 MATLAB 程序设计;第7章 MATLAB 数据可视化;第8章 交互式仿真集成环境 SIMULINK;附录 MATLAB 上机实验(Using matlab tutorial is " 21st Century electronic communications nationwide series of application-oriented practical planning materials." Contains: Chapter 1 Introduction MATLAB Chapter 2 MATLAB language group Chapter 3 MATLAB numerical computation Chapter 4 array of structures and cell arrays Chapter 5 MATLAB symbolic computation Chapter 6 MATLAB programming Chapter 7 MATLAB data visualization Chapter 8 interactive simulation integrated environment SIMULINK Appendix MATLAB on experiments)
    2013-10-13 13:01:38下载
  • spline
    三次样条插值matlab程序,三次样条插值matlab程序,三次样条插值matlab程序(spline matlab)
    2013-12-10 11:25:21下载
  • ehop1
    设计一个含有两个神经元的Hopfiled网络 使用的主要函数如下: NEWHOP——创建Hopfield网络 SIM——对Hopfield网络进行仿真(The design of a neuron contains two main Hopfiled network function as follows: NEWHOP- create a Hopfield network SIM- Simulation of the Hopfield network)
    2009-05-09 23:49:56下载
  • dijkstra
    dijkstra算法的matlab实现,验证数据采用了河北省主要城市的赋值无权网络图,并分析了单程往复式行驶的效率因素,实际应用价值高(the dijkstra algorithm matlab to achieve, verify the data used in major cities in Hebei Province network has no right of assignment, and an analysis of the efficiency of one-way reciprocating driving factors, the practical application of high value)
    2009-05-24 16:30:46下载
  • c
    说明:  编写一个函数,输入n为偶数时,调用函数求1/2+1/4+...+1/n,当输入n为奇数时,调用函数 1/1+1/3+...+1/n(利用指针函数) (Write a function, the input n is even, the function call seeking 1/2+1/4+...+ 1/n, when the input n is odd, call the function 1/1+1/3+...+ 1/n (using the pointer function))
    2011-07-18 09:28:07下载
  • shiyan6
    数据库的完整性控制熟悉利用企业管理器为列创建DEFAULT约束、为列创建CHECK约束、为列创建UNIQUE约束、为列创建不允许为空约束、创建PRIMARY KEY约束、创建FOREIGN KEY约束(Integrity control of the database use Enterprise Manager to create the familiar column DEFAULT constraint, create a CHECK constraint for a column, create a UNIQUE constraint for a column, create a column does not allow null constraint, create a PRIMARY KEY constraint, create FOREIGN KEY constraint)
    2014-01-15 11:49:34下载
  • caisetuxiang
    说明:  利用matlab进行图形的绘制,并进行相关颜色的设置等(Using matlab for drawing, and color settings, and the related)
    2010-04-15 15:09:48下载
    关于matlab优化在实际生活中的一些应用(Matlab optimization on some real life applications)
    2010-05-19 10:25:39下载
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