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于 2013-11-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  运用matlab这个软件运用递归方法运算出任意一个数的阶乘(The use of this software using a recursive method matlab computing factorial of a number of arbitrary)



0 个回复

  • sort
    sort(分类)用法 sort命令选项很长,下面仅介绍各种选项。 sort命令的一般格式为:(sort (Category) use sort command options is very long, only to introduce the following options. The general format of sort order:)
    2010-07-28 16:27:01下载
  • machine_asynchrone
    Modélisation de la machine asynchrone
    2012-04-08 02:59:03下载
  • entropy
    this file can be used to calculate the entropy of english language.
    2013-08-08 23:28:39下载
  • sudu
    机器人机构的速度与加速度可以用通过程序来计算得出,方式更为简便(Robot body velocity and acceleration can be calculated by the program, more convenient way)
    2013-09-30 12:07:38下载
  • aa
    说明:  要求如下: 数组与函数 1. 实验目的:掌握数组与函数的使用方法,掌握,面向过程的程序设计方法,复习分支与循环语句的使用。... (Requirements are as follows: the array with the function 1. Experimental purposes: taking control of the array with the function to use, master, process-oriented program design method, review the use of branching and loop statements. ...)
    2010-03-20 15:02:12下载
  • matlab
    本仿真为一个开题报告,揭示了一个新型的加密传输系统,其中有基于AM广播的加密传输的仿真程序(This simulation is an opening report, revealed a new type of encryption transmission system, including encryption based AM radio transfer simulation program)
    2010-05-27 15:37:55下载
  • MVAcltbern2
    MVAcltbern illustrates the (univariate) Central Limit Theorem (CLT). n*1000 sets of n-dimensional Bernoulli samples are generated and used to approximate the distribution of t = sqrt(n)*(mean(x)-mu)/sigma -> N(0,1). The estimated density (blue) of t is shown together with the standard normal (red).
    2013-04-30 22:28:08下载
  • lms
    线性矩阵不等式用matlab求解的一个例子(Linear matrix inequalities matlab)
    2012-11-29 22:07:40下载
  • heat1d
    应用数值方法解算一维热传导问题,简单实用,含有源程序和简单说明,参数和变化和调整,可以根据需求进行修改,使用程序:Matlab(Use numirical method to solve 1-D heat transfer problem,the code and paremeter can be modified dependent on your need)
    2009-04-01 13:21:04下载
  • encoding_of_convolutional_codes_in_CDMA_channel
    CDMA业务信道卷积编码实现,根据上下行信道区分生成不同码率的卷积码序列,original_sequence是原始输入序列,channel_select是信道选择参数,其中下行码率为1/2,上行信道为1/3 (CDMA business channel convolutional coding to achieve, according to the distinction between upper and lower line to generate a different channel bit rate of the convolutional code sequence, original_sequence is the original input sequence, channel_select is channel selection parameters, which downlink bit rate of 1/2, upstream channel for the 1/3)
    2008-06-28 10:56:41下载
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