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于 2020-11-04 发布 文件大小:66KB
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  进行边角网的平差,输入测量数据即可平差计算出待定点的坐标(Corner of the net adjustment, input measurement data to the adjustment calculation to be determined coordinates of the point)







0 个回复

  • jiaodugeshihuhuan
    角度格式转换,度分秒转度,度分秒转弧度,弧度转度分秒。测量程序设计的基础代码之一(Point format conversion, transfer degrees degrees minutes and seconds, minutes and seconds turn degree arc, arc degree turn every minute. Measurement of program design based on code)
    2010-12-13 16:58:40下载
  • code
    土地折算:在vb环境下基于mo的不同等级土地折算系统的开发,(Land conversion: vb environment in different grades of land-based mo conversion system development,)
    2010-05-28 11:24:15下载
  • state-estimation-
    电力系统功能强大的资料,介绍了基于PMU的电力系统的状态估计!(It is a good paper!)
    2011-05-10 15:52:41下载
  • C++AGV 路径规划与运仿真程序
    在AGV实现过程中,核心就在于AGV路径的规划和AGV自身的调度控制,该程序实现了AGV路径规划与运行仿真(AGV route planing and motion simulation)
    2017-10-11 01:02:53下载
  • car4Ssale
    用c++做的汽车4s店销售系统(mfc) 录入查询库存预定等功能模块 头文件中定义 class CAutomobile4SshopDlg : public CDialog 头文件中定义class sale : public CDialog class service : public CDialog class storage : public CDialog class guanli : public CDialog 分别作销售,服务,库存,管理功能模块函数体调用 #define IDM_ABOUTBOX 0x0010 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100 #define IDS_ABOUTBOX 101 #define IDD_AUTOMOBILE4SSHOP_DIALOG 102 .....宏定义为函数体调用(Using c++ to do car 4s shop sales system (mfc) Input query inventory reserve and other functional modules Header file defines class CAutomobile4SshopDlg: public CDialog Header file defines class sale: public CDialog class service: public CDialog class storage: public CDialog class guanli: public CDialog Respectively, for sales, service, inventory management function module calls the function body # define IDM_ABOUTBOX 0x0010 # define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100 # define IDS_ABOUTBOX 101 # define IDD_AUTOMOBILE4SSHOP_DIALOG 102 Defined as a function of the body ..... macro call)
    2013-10-24 17:52:29下载
  • compoletcall
    说明:  VC++ 6.0调用omron Compolet V2控件与PLC通信 示例(VC++ 6.0 call omron Compolet V2 control)
    2009-08-05 10:06:49下载
  • cyfvbkhon
    1.原料基本信息维护; 2.供应商基本信息维护; 3. 仓库信息维护; 4.原料入库管理; 5.原料出库管理; 6. 入库信息查询、出库信息查询、库存信息查询。 所有管理包括(增加、删除、修改、查询)。 (A.Raw materials, basic maintenance Two. Supplier of basic maintenance Warehouse information maintenance 4. Raw material storage management 5 The raw materials out of the database management (6) the storage of information inquiry, the library information inquiries, queries of inventory information. All management (add, delete, modify, query). )
    2012-05-13 08:45:14下载
  • DeMultiwave
    读取segy文件,消除多次波 的地震处理运用(segy read documents, eliminating the multiple use of seismic processing)
    2007-02-16 12:23:48下载
  • forecast1130
    自己辛苦编写的双色球彩票统计预测程序. 为得到下载积分,忍痛贡献. visual c++ 2010, 开发. windows 7 64bit, 16GByte内存需求, 4核处理器 并行计算, STL C++, 能够快速遍历计算全部号码分解组合的概率. 贡献出来心痛. 希望联系我,找份喜欢的工作.(souce codes of double Color ball lottery statistical forecasting program, desinged by myself. visual c++ 2010 stl, parallel computing. operation requirement under windows 7 64bit, 16GByte memory and 4-core processor. Rapidly traverse calculation of the the probability of all decomposition and all combination code numbers. it have me heartache to contribute my codes for get download points. Hope to contact me, help me ge one job.)
    2012-12-02 16:55:59下载
  • 50
    说明:  单戗堤截流图解法计算程序使用帮助 操作步骤: 一:输入分流能力数据文本文件 文件格式为上游水位,下泄流量 请查看示范文件XL.txt 二:选择计算类型 计算类型有单值计算和自动计算 若选择单值计算,则设置龙口口门宽度 若选择自动计算,则设置龙口口门宽度变化范围 三:设置计算参数 这些参数在程序右下部,请根据工程实际进行输入 四:计算及绘图 选择开始计算,计算结果会呈现在程序界面上 计算后选择绘制曲线,自动生成Excel图表 五:保存结果 选择保存结果可以保存结果为文本文件 您也可以直接保存绘图中生成的Excel文件 选择保存中间数据可以保存龙口泄流能力数据( N o w a d a y s , t h e r a t i o o f E n g i n e e r i n g- Ma p- D r a w i n g b y C A D i n t h e d e s i g n m e n a t e r a n d Wa s t e Wa t e r S y s t e m o n A r c h i t e c t u r e w a s a l r e a d y I 0 0 . T h e u a t h o r i g n e d t h i s p r o g r a m o f C o m p u t e r A i d e d D e s i g n o f Wa t e r a n d Wa s t e Wa t e r S y s t e r c h i t e c t u r e o n A u t o C A D , a n d u s e d i t i n t h e r e a l w o r k s . T h e a s s a y a n a l y z e d t h e e l o p m e n t o f t h e p r o f e s s i o n a l s o f t w a r e i n a n d a b r o a d , a n d t a l k e d a b o u t t h e a c t u a o f t h e d e s i g n , t h e n s u p p l i e d t h e w a y s o f h o w t o i m p r o v e C A D s y s t e m w i t h t h i s c i a l t y . T h e a s s a y o b t a i n e d t h e r e s u l t s i n a s p e c t s b e l o w : 1 , c o s t o mi n g t h e s y s t e m f o r d e s i g )
    2009-03-11 09:51:00下载
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