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于 2012-10-15 发布 文件大小:886KB
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  用于活性污泥模型研究,模拟污水处理厂出水指标,用于应用研究(for activated sludge model study,simulate WWTP output result.)



0 个回复

  • 3Gtongxin
    这是关于3G的一些文章,都是硕士论文,费了好大的劲才找到的,希望对需要的人有用(This is the number of articles on the 3G, are master' s thesis, take a great find for Jin Cai, and hope to those who need it useful to)
    2010-03-09 12:41:01下载
  • ppt
    本PPT着重研究了当前手游行业推广渠道的各种方式以及每种方式的利弊(The PPT focuses on the current hand travel industry marketing channels as well as the various ways the pros and cons of each approach)
    2013-08-21 17:14:05下载
  • DOA-mode-space-smooth
    基于模式空间的均匀圆阵方位估计性能研究,在建立了均匀圆阵数学模型的基础上,将模式空间与经典高分辨方位估计算法———多重信号分类法(MUSIC) 应用到均匀圆阵方位估计(DOA)中(Based on the pattern space DOA estimation with uniform circular arrays properties, in the establishment of a uniform circular array based on the mathematical model, the model space high resolution DOA estimation algorithm with the classic--- multiple signal classification (MUSIC) direction applied to the uniform circular array estimation (DOA) in)
    2011-05-10 23:48:33下载
  • eegsleep
    project on EEG processing using Matlab. Initial stage
    2009-03-12 09:50:25下载
  • MEMS-based-spectrometer
    一种基于MEMS技术的光谱仪系统介绍及发展情况介绍。(Introduce a systematic introduction and development of MEMS-based spectrometer.)
    2012-08-09 17:23:13下载
  • Web-Data-Mining.Bing-Liu
    Web数据挖掘(世界著名计算机教材精选),作者BingLiu刘冰 刘兵(BingLiu),伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(UIC)教授,他在爱丁堡大学获得人工智能博士学位。刘兵教授是Web挖掘研究领域的国际知名专家,在Web内容挖掘、互联网观点挖掘、数据挖掘等领域有非常高的造诣,他先后在国际著名学术期刊与重要国际学术会议(如KDD、WWW、AAAI、SIGIR、ICML、TKDE等)上发布关于数据挖掘、Web挖掘和文本挖掘论文一百多篇。刘兵教授担任过多个国际期刊的编辑,也是多个国际学术会议(如WWW、KDD与AAAI等)的程序委员会委员。 本书旨在阐述web数据挖掘的概念及其核心算法,使读者获得相对完整的关于web数据挖掘的算法和技术知识。本书不仅介绍了搜索、页面爬取和资源探索以及链接分析等传统的Web挖掘主题,而且还介绍了结构化数据的抽取、信息整合、观点挖掘和Web使用挖掘等内容,这些内容在已有书籍中没有提及过,但它们在Web数据挖掘中却占有非常重要的地位。全书分为两大部分:第一部分包括第2章到第5章,介绍数据挖掘的基础;第二部分包括第6章到第12章,介绍Web相关的挖掘任务。 (Web data mining (world-renowned computer materials selection), the authors BingLiu Liu Bing Liu Bing (BingLiu), University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) professor, Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University. Professor Liu Bing is the field of Web mining research internationally renowned expert in Web content mining, Internet, view mining, data mining and other areas have very high attainments, he worked in internationally renowned academic journals and major international conferences (such as KDD, WWW, AAAI, SIGIR, ICML, TKDE, etc.) on the release of data mining, Web mining and text mining papers more than a hundred articles. Professor Liu Bing served as editor of several international journals, but also a number of international conferences (such as WWW, KDD and AAAI, etc.) of the Program Committee. This book seeks to explain the concept and web data mining of the core algorithm, so that readers gain a relatively complete information on web data mining algorithms )
    2012-01-14 16:44:09下载
  • Dadenkov_DA_Solodkiy_EM_SHachkov_AM_Modelirovanie
    Async Motor Vector Control
    2017-06-02 18:29:31下载
    OFDM+CDMA的英文PPT,写的很不错 (OFDM+ CDMA English PPT, written by very good)
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  • Worse-is-Better.pdf
    本文通过对LISP语言发展的研究,总结出计算机方面的设计理念。并不是完美的才是最好的,有时候愚蠢的简单的更好。(Based on the LISP language development research, summed up the computer aspects of the design philosophy. Not perfect is the best, and sometimes stupid simple better.)
    2013-10-29 15:19:04下载
  • 3
    说明:  电池热失控与热安全保证技术论文仿真实验验证对比分析的(Battery thermal runaway comparative analysis and thermal safety assurance of technical papers simulation experiment)
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