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于 2012-10-15 发布 文件大小:25KB
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  德国大众汽车5053诊断设备诊断数据和故障信息表(The Germany Volkswagen 5050 diagnostic equipment diagnostic data sheet)





0 个回复

  • variety of file formats and procedures described Note
    各种文件格式说明及程序描述-variety of file formats and procedures described Note
    2023-03-22 09:25:03下载
  • Schematic diagram of the program
    方案原理图。炬力MP4上对应板的定义及原理-Schematic diagram of the program
    2022-10-12 12:40:03下载
  • 编写一个程序,在屏幕上出现一个圆心沿正弦曲线轨迹移动的实心圆,要求每隔4分之一周期,圆的填充色和圆的周边颜色都发生变化(颜色自己选取),同时圆的半径在四分之一周...
    编写一个程序,在屏幕上出现一个圆心沿正弦曲线轨迹移动的实心圆,要求每隔4分之一周期,圆的填充色和圆的周边颜色都发生变化(颜色自己选取),同时圆的半径在四分之一周期内由正弦曲线幅值的0.2倍至0.6倍的线性增长。-The preparation of a procedure on the screen there is a center of a circle along the sinusoid trajectory mobile solid round, one request every 4 cycles, a circle filled with color and circle around the color change (color select their own), while the radius of a circle in the quarter-cycle sinusoid amplitude by 0.2 times to 0.6 times the linear growth.
    2022-10-04 16:35:03下载
  • 把C++源代码转换成HTML,支持彩色语法显示和关键字加粗。 如果你改进了该程序,烦劳您传一份改进后的给我。...
    把C++源代码转换成HTML,支持彩色语法显示和关键字加粗。 如果你改进了该程序,烦劳您传一份改进后的给我。-C source code into HTML, support for syntax color display and keyword thickening. If you improve the process, you impose a Biography of improved to me.
    2022-06-18 10:35:27下载
  • AVI作为一种常用,这是AVI的详细介绍
    AVI作为一种常用文件格式,这是AVI文件格式的详细介绍-AVI as a common file format, which is the AVI file format detailed
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  • stv0299资料,pdf档,dvb
    stv0299资料,pdf文档,dvb-s解调芯片-stv0299 information, pdf documents, dvb-s demodulator chip
    2022-03-03 20:45:57下载
  • ICD
    北斗系统空间信号接口控制文件正式版。北斗系统基本服务性能如下:位置精度:平面 10米、高程10米;测速精度每秒0.2米;授时精度单向50纳秒;可提供双向高精度授时和短报文通信服务。通过广域差分和地基增强等手段,北斗系统服务 性能还可进一步提高,满足各类用户需求。(Official version of the the Beidou system space signal Interface Control Document. The Beidou system performance are as follows: position accuracy: plane 10 meters, 10 m elevation velocity accuracy of 0.2 meters per second timing accuracy of the one-way 50 nanoseconds provide two-way high-precision timing and short message communication service. By means of wide area differential and ground-based augmentation Beidou system performance can be further improved to meet the needs of all types of users.)
    2013-01-08 10:27:57下载
  • Q2
    说明:  强电一般是电力系统中的电,比如说220v的照明电,以及1000多v的工业用电等,强电的特点是电压高,频率低,电流大,强电是用来驱动大功率的电力设备的。比如说电动机,电灯等用电设备。(Strong power is generally the electric power system, such as 220v electrical lighting, and more than 1,000 v industrial electricity, etc., characterized by strong electric high voltage, low frequency, current, strong electric power is used to drive the electrical equipment. For example, motors, lights and other electrical equipment.)
    2013-08-12 01:02:07下载
  • jsdk和tomcat的配置方法。我已经配置过好多次,每次都能够成功。希望对大家有用...
    jsdk和tomcat的配置方法。我已经配置过好多次,每次都能够成功。希望对大家有用-jsdk tomcat and the configuration method. I already have too many times, and each time to be successful. We hope that the right useful
    2022-02-12 16:21:13下载
  • airo-engine
    介绍了一下航空发动机原理,对学习航空发动机有很大帮助。(The aero-engine principle, be of great help to study aeronautical engine.)
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