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于 2009-03-05 发布 文件大小:629KB
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  计算机故障排除方法,很有用的电子书,不错的教程。(Computer troubleshooting methods, useful e-books, good tutorial.)



0 个回复

  • C语言标准与实现
    非常经典的一本讲述C标准的书.不用多说了! 相信对您大有帮助!(It s rather classical C book about its standard. It s believed to be very useful for you.)
    2020-06-26 07:40:02下载
  • The_Definitive_Guide_to_ARM_CortexM0_M0+
    说明:  ARM M0,M+ eBook for beginner
    2019-05-22 15:00:02下载
  • 完整原版王爽汇编PPT课件(含源码和swf文件)
    可以多看书,从中学习很知识。这是一个 很快乐的过程,请珍惜这个过程!(You can read more books and learn a lot from them. This is a very happy process, please cherish this process!)
    2020-06-23 04:00:01下载
  • PR
    说明:  模式识别工具箱函数,包含多种模式识别方法如KNN,PCA,SVM,C4.5,EM算法等等(Pattern recognition toolbox functions, including a variety of pattern recognition methods such as KNN, PCA, SVM, C4.5, EM algorithm, etc.)
    2010-03-29 20:17:40下载
  • latex_tut
    说明:  this is a nice math formating book: intro to latex, tutorial
    2019-02-17 02:23:22下载
  • JAVA原代码集
    如何在首页显示当前的让你的主页能够自动识别来访者使用的浏览器; 一种一条一条显示信息的跑马灯; 自动滚屏并不一定需要Dhtml,到这里看看喔! 在页面上提供向前,向后翻页的按钮。 告诉来访者在本页面停留的时间,作用好坏你判断吧! 请来客登记姓名,统计来访次数。等等 ,还有很多很多原码等着你来看哦~(Home show the current home page you can automatically identify visitors to use the browser; One shows a message of a 5,250; Auto Scroll Dhtml not necessarily need to see here! The pages provide forward and backward scrolling button. Tell visitors stay in the pages of time, the role of good or bad judgment you! Invited guests registered to the name, the number of visitors statistics. And so on and many source waiting for you to look at oh)
    2005-05-18 01:10:01下载
  • GPS数据
    这是一个时长达到10分钟的GPS数据包,用于GPS数据模拟仿真,和GPS语句的分析应用。(GPS data to simulink.)
    2018-04-22 11:06:12下载
  • Getting_Started_Guide_Tinyos
    TinyOS programming Example and start up
    2019-05-16 23:45:54下载
  • ??????
    the jtutj jfryr hfytr hfyryryrbfhf
    2019-04-01 23:39:49下载
  • _充流管道单向流固耦合数值模拟自动化研究
    说明:  针对充流管道单向流固耦合数值模拟过程复杂、数据在耦合传递中存在偏差的问题,采用 C++语言编制了充流管道单向流固耦合数值模拟程序,实现了从模型建立、流体计算到结构分析 过程的自动化,确保了从流体计算到结构计算过程中数据传递的准确性.利用参考文献中的试验数 据验证了此程序计算结果的正确性,以实际发电厂的一段疏水管道为例进行单向流固耦合数值模 拟,描述了程序自动建立管道模型、模拟管内流体压力分布以及将流体压力数据导入管道结构中进 行管道应力计算的过程.结果表明:该充流管道单向流固耦合数值模拟程序具有结果准确、操作简 便的特点,可应用于多种充流管道的设计改造和风险预测中(Aiming at the complex numerical simulation process of one-way fluid-structure coupling in flow-filled pipeline and the deviation of data in coupling transmission, the method is adopted. C++ language has compiled the numerical simulation program of one-way fluid-structure coupling for filling pipeline, which has realized the process from model establishment, fluid calculation to structure analysis. The automation of the process ensures the accuracy of data transfer from fluid calculation to structural calculation. The correctness of the calculation results is verified by the program, and the one-way fluid-structure coupling numerical model is carried out for a section of)
    2020-06-23 01:00:01下载
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