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于 2011-12-06 发布 文件大小:25KB
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说明:  非接触IC读写器读写软件,用于非接触IC卡读写操作(Non-contact IC reader to read and write software for non-contact IC card read and write operations)



0 个回复

  • Wnettserveera
    仓库管理系统(Access),源码+论文(1.4万字)++开题报告任务书+答辩PPT+答辩讲稿,新鲜原创 (Warehouse management system (Access), source+ thesis (14,000 words)++, the mission statement of the opening report+ respondent PPT+ respondent notes, fresh original)
    2012-08-09 01:19:18下载
  • GameOfLife
    汉化版的“生命游戏”程序,可以演示生命的生成和消亡过程!(Game Of Live!)
    2011-11-15 19:15:57下载
  • 0908888888
    激光键盘全部资料代码已打包好,非常非常使用好学习上手来来来来来来(Laser keyboard all the information code has been packaged well, very, very good use of learning to get started Come Come)
    2020-10-30 20:09:55下载
  • 73554574
    VB语音报数计算器源程序,有需要的就下载吧。(Talking Calculator VB source code, there is a need to download it.)
    2013-08-04 15:26:48下载
  • cell
    原包机,模拟细胞的生长,分裂,和死亡,设定了几种不同的环境影响(The original charter, analog cell growth, division, and death)
    2020-07-08 16:38:56下载
  • knignt
    求解骑士游历问题的程序。骑士游历问题是在8X8格的国际象棋棋盘上随意放置一个马,按照马走“日”字的规则对马进行操作,问是否能够不重复的走遍棋盘的每个格。(Cavaliers traveled problem solving process. Cleveland traveled problem is the 8x8 grid of international chess pieces on dumped a horse, according to Ma take "days" to the rules word for horse operations, asked whether not to repeat the chessboard visited each grid.)
    2006-06-02 17:04:37下载
  • JumpPointSearch-master
    说明:  程序实现了带有预处理的挑点搜索算法,2014年提出算法。(The program realizes the point search algorithm with preprocessing, which was proposed in 2014.)
    2020-12-06 15:49:28下载
  • halcontest
    c++和halcon混合编程,编有MFC界面,单击界面按钮可获得相关齿轮参数。(C++ and Halcon mixed programming, compiled with MFC interface, click the interface button, you can get the relevant gear parameters.)
    2020-09-12 08:18:01下载
  • account
    设计一个名为Account类。这个类包含: (1)一个名为id的int型数据域,表示账户的身份号(默认值为0)。 (2)一个名为balance的double型数据域,表示账户余额(默认值为0)。 (3)一个名为annualInterestRate的double型数据域,保存当前年利率(默认值为0)。 (4)一个无实参构造函数,创建一个默认账户。 (5)id、balance和annualInterestRate的访问器和更改器函数。 (6)一个名为getMonthlyInterestRate()的函数,返回月利率。 (7)一个名为withDraw的函数,从账户中支取指定金额。 (8)一个名为deposit的函数,向账户中存入指定金额。 画出类的UML图,实现类。编写一个测试程序,它创建一个Account对象,其ID为1122,账户余额为20000,年利率为4.5 。使用withDraw函数取出2500美元,使用deposit函数存入3000美元,然后输出账户余额、月利率和账户创建时间。(Design a class named Account. This class includes: (a) a named data type int id field that indicates the account identification number (default is 0). (2) a double-called balance of data fields, which means that the account balance (default is 0). (3) a double type named annualInterestRate of data fields, save the current interest rate (default is 0). (4) a no-argument constructor creates a default account. (5) id, balance and annualInterestRate access control and change control functions. (6) a named getMonthlyInterestRate () function returns a monthly rate. (7) a function named withDraw, drawn from the account specified amount. (8) a function called deposit to the account into a designated amount. Draw a UML class diagram, the implementation class. Write a test program that creates an Account object, its ID is 1122, the account balance is 20,000, an interest rate of 4.5 . Use withDraw function out $ 2,500, $ 3,000 deposit with deposit function, and then outputs the account balance, m)
    2013-06-01 13:21:54下载
  • C-xiangmu
    男人下100层小游戏,学校C语言项目用C写的。但是用到了C++的图形库,所以是CPP文件。几乎都是C的语法。是男人下100层小游戏。(100 men under the layer of small game, the school C language program written in C. But the use of the C++ graphics library, so is the CPP file. Almost all of the C syntax. Is the man under 100 layers of small game.)
    2013-10-08 09:58:33下载
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