首页 » Visual C++ » Essential-CPP


于 2013-12-06 发布 文件大小:9286KB
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  本书为那些没有太多时间学习的程序员提供了一条在工作中学习C++的捷径。它把重点放在那些C++编程中重要的要素上,并覆盖能够帮助解决实际编程问题的特性和技术。 本书将C++的基本内容按照过程风格、泛型风格、基于对象风格,以及面向对象风格进行组织。本书采用复杂度渐进的风格展开,并在讨论解决方案的过程中引入语言特性,便于学习C++的功能和结构,同时理解其目的和基本理念。 书中完整深入探讨了以下主要内容: 泛型编程和标准模板库(STL) 基于对象的编程和类的设计面向对象的编程和类层次体系的设计 函数和类模板的设计和使用 异常处理和运行时类型信息(RTTI)(This book is not much time to learn those programmers provide a learning C++ at work as a shortcut. It focuses on those C++ programming on important elements, and covers issues that can help solve real programming features and technologies. The book will be C++ style basic content in accordance with the process, the generic style, object-based style, and object-oriented style organization. This book uses a progressive style complexity unfold, and language features introduced in the process of discussing solutions, easy to learn C++ function and structure, and to understand its purpose and basic concepts. The book explores the full depth of the following main elements: Generic programming and the Standard Template Library (STL) Programming and class design object-oriented programming and design objects class hierarchy based Design and use functions and class template Exception handling and runtime type information (RTTI))


Essential C%2B%2B中文版.pdf,20386980,2013-06-26



0 个回复

  • zcggzc
    用递归算法对输入的任意两个字符串求最长公共子串及其出现次数(Recursive algorithm to seek the input any two strings and the longest common substring occurrences)
    2009-11-28 13:14:39下载
  • Matlab-and-Visual-C-to-KF
    一篇关于实现卡尔曼滤波的新方法,运用MATLAB和Visual c实现。(An article on the new method of Kalman filter implementation, the use of MATLAB and Visual c implementation.)
    2015-04-21 11:11:00下载
  • autodetection
    基于DQ效应的JPEG图像真伪检测算法,通过检测图像DCT直方图的DQ效应计算图像的概率图,该算法快速、准确,能自动定位篡改区域(JPEG image detection algorithm based on the authenticity of DQ effect, calculated image by DQ effect detection probability map image DCT histogram, the algorithm is fast, accurate, and can automatically locate tampered area)
    2021-03-16 09:59:22下载
  • erweishuzu
    说明:  求二维数组每列中的最小元素,并依次放入PP所指的数组中(Seeking two-dimensional array of elements)
    2010-03-17 19:22:29下载
  • 3dcubeExplore
    opengl学习的3d观察演示,键盘控制立方体的旋转缩放。使用vc++6.0平台,(learning opengl 3d observation demonstrates, keyboard control cube rotation scaling. Use vc++6.0 platform)
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  • messge_face
    vc 制作 MSN、QQ 的消息提示窗口 - 源代码(vc making MSN, QQ messages sent to the window- source code)
    2011-07-03 08:50:27下载
  • h2
    将天骄2服务端的加密文本文件与生成的软件放在同一目录下,点击批量转换, 完成后会在同目录下生成一个名为temp的文件夹,其中存放的就是转换后的文件. 因为加密和解密的规则完全相同,所以加密过程和解密过程相同, 也就是说如果原来的文件存放的是原文,转换后就会生成密文,如果原来是密文,转换后生成原文. 适用于天骄2,凤舞天骄的所有版本服务端.(The the Tianjiao 2 server encrypted text file in the same directory with the generated software, click on the batch conversion finished, it will generate a folder named temp in the same directory, which store the converted file encryption and decryption rules are identical, so the encryption and decryption process is the same, that is to say if the original file is stored in the original conversion will generate the ciphertext, if the original ciphertext, conversion generated text. apply to tianjiao, all of Fung Mo tianjiao, the version of the server.)
    2013-04-27 11:47:04下载
  • shizuo
    用哈夫曼编码的方式进行图像的压缩,其中定义了一个cdib的类,通过之类来对图像进行处理(image coding in haffman)
    2012-04-27 18:37:47下载
  • trafficlight
    用KEIL-C编写的交通灯源代码 对课程设计的朋友很有帮助的(KEIL-C prepared by the traffic lights at the source code of the Friend of the curriculum design helpful)
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    说明:  参加ICPC的acm队员所使用的比赛模板,包括数论图论,计算几何等相关算法。(ICPC members to participate in the acm template used in the game, including number theory graph theory, computational geometry and other related algorithms.)
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  • 696524资源总数
  • 103801会员总数
  • 61今日下载