首页 » Visual C++ » NozzleTest20110904


于 2013-11-07 发布 文件大小:3648KB
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  实现对气体流量表的基于音速喷嘴的自动检定(testing for the gas flow meters based on stangdard acoustic nozzles)



0 个回复

  • MCG
    MC9S12DZ60时钟初始化程序, C语言, code warrior 软件(initial program of MCG, C language,code warrior software)
    2012-01-02 18:01:07下载
  • C8051F060-AD-UART1
    C8051F060 自带高速AD进行数据采集 可达100兆采样率 并切缓存与片外ram 并把采集数据通过串口发送给PC ( Data Acquisition example for C8051F060 Description: This example illustrates the use of ADC1 and the DMA to acquire and store data. It is intended for use with the C8051F060 target board in the development kit. // This code measures a signal at the AIN0 input with the 16-bit SAR ADC0. // The data is sampled at a rate of 100kHz. ADC output data is transferred to XDATA memory space using the DMA. // // With the EMIF configured for off-chip XRAM access (on the upper ports), this code moves the ADC data to the C8051F060TB target boards s SRAM device. // Once data acquisition is complete, the code then prompts the user to press the P3.7 // button on the target board when ready to receive the data via the UART0 serial port. The TB features an RS-232 transceiver and connector, so the data can be transferred // to a PC via its serial port. // The code is set to acquire up to 32768 samples (for 64kbytes of data). The SRAM device - can accommodate up to 128kbytes, )
    2014-07-03 18:46:42下载
  • SCM-papers-report
    单片机论文报告 我的课程设计报告 供大家参考(SCM papers report my curriculum design report for your reference)
    2013-09-10 19:33:25下载
  • ty
    说明:  8*8的矩阵键盘程序,是很好的代码喔。键盘程序采用的是查询的方式来写的喔。(8* 8 matrix keyboard procedures, is a very good code. The keyboard is used for writing.)
    2012-03-13 16:07:54下载
  • actionGroupExample
    源码p3at小车的程序 需要的直接下载 VS2008打开 挺不错的程序!!!!(Direct download VS2008 source p3at car program needs to open11)
    2014-09-13 17:47:48下载
  • Infrare-Decoder
    用单片机对遥控器实现解码,并在数码管上显示(Infrare Decoder)
    2011-08-02 16:30:30下载
  • 8255input-outputexpeimental-
    8255输入输出实验程序代码,适用于LAB8000通用微控制器实验系统(8255 input-output experimental procedure code applies LAB8000 general-purpose microcontroller experimental system)
    2012-06-23 11:48:21下载
  • yinyue
    简单的音乐盒,可以播放音乐,并且有花样灯进行闪烁,是个不错的小礼物。(music box )
    2012-04-29 09:38:02下载
  • s
    说明:  无线通信接受模块程序,内含数模转换应用程序。(Wireless receiving module program that includes digital to analog conversion applications.)
    2011-07-20 09:29:11下载
  • juzhenjianpan
    MSP430F169单片机矩阵键盘扫描程序,用一位共阳数码管显示(MSP430F169 microcontroller matrix keyboard scanning procedures, using a common anode LED display)
    2013-07-27 15:12:56下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103771会员总数
  • 43今日下载