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  MATLAB实用教程PPT,适合matlab入门。PPT共有11章,讲解很全面(Practical MATLAB tutorial PPT, suitable for matlab entry. PPT consists of 11 chapters, on the very comprehensive)



0 个回复

  • 3busconejoIL
    interruptible load deterministic
    2013-07-12 18:38:21下载
  • qunyie
    能量谱分析计算,抑制载波型差分相位调制,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率。( Energy spectrum analysis and calculation, Suppressed carrier type differential phase modulation, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.)
    2016-08-28 13:34:35下载
  • MyTSP
    遗传算法求解TSP问题(10个城市),现代优化算法入门(matlab code to deal with TSP problems with GA)
    2009-03-30 14:46:48下载
  • Bitlogistic
    Simulation of the Bit level Logistic map n is the number of the simulated points. x is the simulated time series. a is the parameter.
    2014-12-13 02:51:46下载
  • Wind-speed-prediction
    基于最小二乘支持向量机理论,结合某风电场实测风速数据,建立了最小二乘支持向量机风速预测模型。对该风电场的风速进行了提前1h的预测,其预测的平均绝对百分比误差仅为8.55 ,预测效果比较理想。同时将文中的风速预测模型与神经网络理论、支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)理论建立的风速预测模型进行了比较。仿真结果表明,文中所提模型在预测精度和运算速度上皆优于其他模型。 (Based on least squares support vector machine theory, combined with a wind farm measured wind speed data, the establishment of a wind vector machine forecasting model of least squares support. The velocity of the wind farm were predicted in advance 1h, the mean absolute percentage error of only 8.55 of its forecast, forecast effect is ideal. While the text of the wind speed forecasting models and neural networks, support vector machines (support vector machine, SVM) wind speed prediction models were compared with established theories. Simulation results show that our proposed model on prediction accuracy and computing speed are superior to other models.)
    2014-05-24 17:32:46下载
  • SCA:用于解决优化问题的正弦余弦算法
    说明:  用于求解单目标优化问题的正弦余弦算法。 SCA创建多个初始随机候选解决方案,并要求它们使用基于正弦和余弦函数的数学模型向外波动或朝向最佳解决方案。几个随机和自适应变量也被集成到该算法中,以强调在不同的优化里程碑中探索和利用搜索空间。 压缩包包括:发表的论文、优化算法代码、优化工具箱。(Sine-cosine algorithm for solving single objective optimization problems. SCA creates multiple initial random candidate solutions and requires them to use mathematical models based on sinusoidal and cosine functions to fluctuate outward or towards the best solution. Several random and adaptive variables are also integrated into the algorithm to emphasize exploring and utilizing search space in different optimization milestones. Compression packages include: published papers, optimization algorithm code, optimization toolbox.)
    2021-04-22 10:18:48下载
  • swerling2
    给出了swerling2模型的仿真程序,积累的脉冲数为50.(Given swerling2 model simulation procedure, the accumulated pulse number is 50.)
    2009-10-19 16:09:59下载
    说明:  matlab GUI中文使用手册,较为全面详细的介绍了GUI的设计、使用方法,适合新手上路。(Chinese user manual matlab GUI, more comprehensive and detailed introduction to the GUI design, use, suitable for novice road.)
    2011-03-03 22:09:14下载
  • Untitled
    说明:  属于一群算法,用于通用性解决最短路径问题,方便快捷。(Belongs to a group of algorithms for solving shortest path problem versatility, convenience)
    2010-05-02 07:38:38下载
  • Matlab_GUI
    这个matlab的GUI设计基础教程比较适合初期学习MATLAB的同学(The matlab GUI Design Essentials more suitable for students of early learning MATLAB)
    2013-03-28 17:05:13下载
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