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于 2020-07-04 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  自己写的岭回归算法。做统计的都懂得。有需要就自己下载(Write your own regression algorithm. All know how to do statistics. There is a need to download)



0 个回复

  • BlindImageDeconvolutonforAstronomy
    在线盲去卷积,含有文献(Online Blind Image Deconvolution for Astronomy(2009))及MATLAB代码,希望对学习图像复原的朋友有所帮助(Online blind deconvolution, with the literature (Online Blind Image Deconvolution for Astronomy (2009)) and the MATLAB code, I hope to learn image restoration friends help)
    2010-09-30 18:15:46下载
  • Matlab
    nonmaxsup——非最大值抑制 hysthresh——设定阈值区间,返回一个二值化图像 canny——边缘探测,图像边缘增强 adjgamma——调整图像的伽马值 findline——利用线性Hough变换和Canny边缘探测得到的线上各点的坐标 circlecoords——返回由圆的半径和圆心坐标决定的圆上各点像素的坐标 houghcircle——取一幅经过canny变换的图像,利用hough变换找到图像中的一个圆 findcircle——计算所得线上各点的坐标归纳出一个圆的半径和圆心,确定该圆的各点坐标 gaborconvolve——利用一维盖伯滤波器对图像进行处理 gethammingdistance ——返回两幅虹膜图像提取的特征码之间的海明距离 linecoords——返回一条线的上各点的x,y坐标值(nonmaxsup- non-maximum suppression hysthresh- set the threshold range, returns a binary image canny- edge detection, image edge enhancement adjgamma- adjust the image' s gamma value findline- linear Hough transform and Canny edge detection get the coordinates of each point circlecoords online- Returns coordinate houghcircle on the circle of the radius and center coordinates of the points decision pixels- After taking a picture canny transformation, using hough transform to find the image of a circle findcircle- the calculated coordinates of each point line summed up a circle of radius and center, to determine the coordinates of each point of the circle gaborconvolve- using a 维盖伯 filter for image processing gethammingdistance- returns two iris images extracted linecoords Hamming distance between the signature- a return line to the points on the x, y coordinate values)
    2014-05-10 17:18:37下载
  • Polyphase_Filtering
    用matlab语言, 实现的多项滤波器, matlab语言编程(Matlab language used to achieve a number of filters, matlab language programming)
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    matlab程序设计之环境变量教程environmental variables matlab programming tutorial(environmental variables matlab programming tutorials environmental variables matlab programming tutorial)
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  • Experiment3.tar
    该文件是学习matlab的经典教材,国内无法找到,本人从国外所得。(this book is the classical textbook for matlab.it is easy to learn and grasp by matlab engineers.)
    2010-02-12 07:35:18下载
  • Floyd
    说明:  floy 算法实现寻找最短路径问题,类似的还有迪克斯屈拉算法(floy algorithm to find the shortest path problem, there is a similar pull algorithm Dix ​ ​ Qu)
    2011-03-17 19:55:06下载
    功能:该程序用于仿真时间同步算法双向不等时间同步方法与无时漂往返校时方法(RTT)。输入:节点间距离、钟漂。输出:两幅同步误差比对图。(Features: The program for the simulation of two-way time synchronization algorithm for time synchronization methods ranging from no time when the drift from school method (RTT). Input: the distance between nodes, clock drift. Output: two synchronization errors of the map.)
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