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0 个回复

  • Request_petae
    利用牛顿法数值计算光纤的传播常数,这样利用传播常数与色散的关系,就可以画出光纤的色散曲线(Numerical calculation using Newton' s method the fiber propagation constant, so that the use of the propagation constant and the dispersion relations, we can draw the dispersion curves of optical fiber)
    2010-02-10 20:27:13下载
    根据蚁狮觅食行为启发而提出的一种群智能搜索算法,并进行标准函数测试,效果较好(A swarm intelligence according to the foraging behavior of ant lion heuristic search algorithm, and the standard test function, good effect)
    2020-09-16 15:27:55下载
  • LR_ZF
    格基约减下的zf(迫零检测)算法,适用于多输入多输出系统(lattice reduction aided ZF algorithms)
    2021-03-21 16:29:17下载
  • IIR_Filter
    直接型IIR滤波器实现源代码,希望与大家共同分享!(Direct IIR filter source code, I hope to share with you!)
    2008-12-10 09:02:34下载
  • MDSlocation
    WSN中DOA算法的mds定位,对于DOA非常有用(DOA algorithms in WSN MDS positioning, very useful for DOA)
    2008-02-25 10:29:55下载
  • sl_using
    Simulink. Dynamic System Simulation for MATLAB. aka "Using Simulink". This is the book about Modeling, Simulation and Implementation with Simulink package.
    2010-11-06 01:01:24下载
  • nca-m-file
    all matlab code are to the very hard and good is imporatnt
    2015-02-06 12:26:56下载
  • small-world-networks
    1998年, Watts和Strogatz 提出了小世界网络这一概念,并建立了WS模型。 实证结果表明,大多数的真实网络都具有小世界特性(较小的最短路径) 和聚类特性(较大的聚类系数) 。 WS小世界模型构造算法 1、从规则图开始:考虑一个含有N个点的最近邻耦合网络,它们围成一个环,其中每个节点都与它左右相邻的各K/2节点相连,K是偶数。 2、随机化重连:以概率p随机地从新连接网络中的每个边,即将边的一个端点保持不变,而另一个端点取为网络中随机选择的一个节点。其中规定,任意两个不同的节点之间至多只能有一条边,并且每一个节点都不能有边与自身相连。 (In 1998, Watts and Strogatz proposed the concept of the small world network, and the establishment of the WS model. The empirical results show that most real networks have small world (the smaller the shortest path) and clustering properties (high clustering coefficient). WS small-world model construction algorithm 1, from the rules FIG: consider a nearest neighbor coupling network with N points, they are surrounded by a ring, wherein each node and its left and right adjacent to each of K/2 connected to the node, K is an even number. The 2 randomized reconnection: randomly with probability p from the new connection on each side of the network, coming section of one of the endpoints remain unchanged, while the other endpoint is taken as the random selection of a node in the network. Which states that between any two different nodes can have at most one edge, and each node can not be connected to its own side.)
    2021-04-27 08:08:44下载
  • specificationmatlab
    说明:  自己编写的一个简单的matlab程序,实现图像直方图的均衡化及规定化处理.image histogram equalization,histogram matching(specification).(I have written a simple matlab program to achieve image histogram equalization and processing requirements. Image histogram equalization, histogram matching (specification).)
    2008-10-22 22:05:30下载
  • cdma
    说明:  MATLAB的CDMA仿真(MATLAB simulation of CDMA)
    2020-11-19 21:59:38下载
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