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于 2020-12-14 发布 文件大小:589KB
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  TMS.Scripter.Studio.4.6.1.for.Delphi.5-XE.BCB.全部源码。本人只上传源码,杜绝dcu(TMS.Scripter.Studio.4.6.1.for.Delphi.5-XE.BCB.Full.Source Suite of components to add scripting capabilities to your applications, including Pascal & Basic scripting engines, Pascal & Basic syntax highlighting memo and script debug tools. )





0 个回复

  • 754
    Delphi获取电脑硬盘空间容量,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi get computer hard disk space capacity, programmed learning source, a good reference.)
    2014-02-06 17:58:46下载
  • webtupianshibie
    Delphi实现自动发贴和识别验证码是基于在form上嵌入一个标准的webbrowser控件,navigate一个url,然后通过ole对象来实现(Delphi Posts and identification verification code is based on the form embedded in a standard webbrowser control to navigate a url, then the OLE object)
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  • utils_3_0
    说明:  OPEN XML UTILITIES LIBRARY README ================================= For installation instructions see the INSTALL.txt file. Folders ------- doc: Documentation packages: Delphi for Win32 (Delphi 4+) and for .NET (Delphi 2005+) packages sources: Delphi for Win32 and for .NET sources Win32-examples: Sample projects for Delphi for Win32 Compiler Conditionals for .NET development ------------------------------------------ The dkCodecUtilsRTL unit declares two platform specific class functions: TEncodingRepository.CreateCodecForSystemEncoding and TEncodingRepository.SystemEncodingName. This functions work only on Windows operating systems. If you are planning to use the Utilities Library on other operating systems (for example with Mono under Linux or Mac OS) you should compile it without this functions. This can be accomplished by defining an ALL_OS compiler conditional symbol using one of the following methods:
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  • TipKit
    说明:  功能: 本软件属于桌面提示小工具,可按设定的时间提示你想提示的任何事情。 详细功能: 1、本软件可单独按某个设定时间提示,也可按一系列设定时间依次提示,缺省为自动全部提示; 2、本软件一运行即最小化,仅在托盘菜单中留有喜羊羊头像的小图标。左键使其显示,右键可进行相关设置; 3、本软件运行时会检查提醒时间配置文件(TipTime.txt),如果不存在,则读入缺省设置,否则从配置文件读取提示信息; 4、本软件可自由新增或者更新提醒时间和提醒内容,但要记得保存一下。系统会自动将最新配置信息存入配置文件。 如果删除配置文件,新增配置信息将全部丢失; 5、本软件会将新增或更新的配置信息动态加入到设置子菜单中去,方便快速设置,并且改为按新增时间提示; 6、本软件可注册为随机启动; 7、提示信息将会在设定的时间内从窗口右下角从右至左慢慢移出,会在桌面上逗留10秒中,然后悄悄消失;(a timer-tip tool for windows.)
    2011-04-10 10:29:17下载
  • jssmsrc
    jssm的原代码,用delphi做的,喜欢石器时代的朋友可以研究一下(jssm the original code, using delphi to do, like the Stone Age friends can look at)
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