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于 2015-01-31 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  This code is to find out the PSNR between two different image, which shows the quality of both images



0 个回复

  • face_detection
    本文应用SMQT和 SPLIT UP SNOW 分类器来完成对人脸的检测。(The purpose of this paper is threefold: firstly, the local Successive Mean Quantization Transform features are proposed for illumination and sensor insensitive operation in object recognition. Secondly, a split up Sparse Network of Winnows is presented to speed up the original classifier. Finally, the features and classifier are combined for the task of frontal face detection. Detection results are presented for the MIT+CMU and the BioID databases. With regard to this face detector, the Receiver Operation Characteristics curve for the BioID database yields the best published result. The result for the CMU+MIT database is comparable to state-of-the-art face detectors.)
    2013-03-18 17:14:19下载
  • FileTime_20Aug2010
    获取和设置文件或文件夹得创建、读取及修改信息。(Get and set the times for creation, access and modification of a file or folder (Windows only))
    2010-08-23 14:37:48下载
  • bandpass
    产生随机信号 并通过带通滤波器 并计算统计特性Any changes made cards can be good results(Random signal generated by band-pass filter and calculate the statistical properties)
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  • a2
    说明:  本程序用matlab编写,给出了特定参数下,光纤掺杂深度与阈值之间的关系(pumping threshold vs adoping density)
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  • kml-example
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  • framework
    面向对象建模技术中的框架和模式面向对象建模技术中的框架和模式(Frameworks and models)
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  • VLC-using-OFDM
    将OFDM技术运用在可见光通信的研究,并且把OFDM的高峰均比这一缺点进行了建设性的运用。(In particular, the use of OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) for intensity modulation is investigated. The high peak-to-average ratio (PAR) in OFDM is usually considered a disadvantage in radio frequency transmission systems due to non-linearities of the power amplifier. It is demonstrated theoretically and by means of an experimental system that the high PAR in OFDM can be exploited constructively in visible light communication to intensity modulate LEDs. It is shown that the theoretical and the experimental results match very closely, and that it is possible to cover a distance of up to one meter using a single LED.)
    2013-11-27 16:14:24下载
  • XD
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  • ftdtq
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  • WuYufei_matlab
    turbo码研究人员不可避免的吴宇飞的升级版程序,对turbo码的算法和其他思想的结合,仿真效果对学好turbo码是一个捷径(turbo codes researchers an upgraded version of inevitable Wu Yufei procedures, turbo code algorithm and a combination of other ideas, simulation results of turbo code is a shortcut to learn)
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