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  Optical Flow example



0 个回复

  • interest-points
    基于兴趣点颜色及纹理特征的图像检索算法,通过同类比较,平均检索准确率提高11个百分点。(Based on the interest points and texture features of color image retrieval algorithm, through a similar comparison, the average retrieval accuracy rate of 11 percent improve.)
    2009-03-05 11:09:25下载
  • MFC_matlab
    程序实现了C++和MATLAB的混合编程,对接的方法是使用Matcom组件。程序实现的功能是,绘制一个sin函数。(Program implements C++ and MATLAB mixed programming, docking method is to use Matcom components. Program' s function is to draw a sin function.)
    2013-08-13 16:56:57下载
  • DOA_esprit
    雷达信号到达角估计的MATLAB代码,进行了多参数的对比仿真和结果比较(Radar signal DOA estimation MATLAB code for the comparison of simulation and multi-parameter comparison results)
    2011-06-19 08:57:14下载
  • PCqiaoliang
    本文基于大型通用有限元软件ANSYS和MATLAB,探索三维实体模型下进行PC桥梁结构整体仿真分析的途径,研究其关键理论及专业模块开发技术。重点研究了预应力筋的模拟、预应力效应的等效转换和桥梁截面切片技术。研究成果可广泛应用于PC桥梁的三维仿真领域,具有较大的理论意义和工程实用价值。对写这方面研究很有帮助(Based on large-scale general-purpose finite element software ANSYS and MATLAB, explore the three-dimensional solid model of the bridge structure under the PC way to the overall simulation analysis to study the key theoretical and professional development of technology modules. Focused on the tendons of the simulation, the equivalent effect of prestressed bridge conversion and cross-section slicing. Research results can be widely used in PC bridges the field of three-dimensional simulation with the larger theoretical and practical engineering value. Research in this area to write very helpful)
    2009-07-01 10:52:42下载
  • grid-supression-in-frequency-domain
    去处干涉条纹最有效的频域消除法,非常实用,效果极佳。(supress grid by frequency domain, very practical with high efficency)
    2014-02-03 21:51:36下载
  • TExttendedKalh
    运用TDOA/AOA定位方法使用扩展卡尔曼滤波定位算法的的matlab程序源码仿真代码 (Use TDOA/AOA location method using extended Kalman filter algorithm matlab program source code of simulation)
    2012-09-15 22:36:58下载
  • flocking--MALTLAB
    多智能体蜂拥控制MATLAB基本仿真程序,帮助新手学习交流(multi-agent system of flocking matlab simulation programa )
    2021-04-19 14:38:51下载
  • mjdga
    matlab没有提供画椭圆的函数,该函数在获得椭圆中心 长轴轴 短轴后进行画椭圆,其中使用复变函数(did not draw an ellipse matlab function, the function in the long axis of the axis minor axis of the ellipse center painted oval, which use the complex function)
    2012-07-24 00:26:21下载
  • Lab13_MultArrays
    Lab13_MultArrays 多维数组的使用,实现数组定位(Use Lab13_MultArrays multidimensional arrays, array positioned to achieve)
    2014-01-06 09:13:28下载
  • Vg101_lecture_of_UM
    matlab 编程基础 C语言入门和C++基础 源自 美国密西根大学(Matlab Programming Fundamentals C language entry and C++ basis from the University of Michigan)
    2012-05-24 19:10:13下载
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