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于 2015-02-03 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  This is a descriptive matlab code for a PC-2D with a square mesh.



0 个回复

  • 77520
    MATLAB源码,P0502:计算图像中的欧拉数(MATLAB source code, P0502 : computer images of the Euler number)
    2006-12-09 20:10:12下载
  • step
    step respons of system cotinus and disecret
    2014-08-08 19:37:38下载
  • gblSolve
    direck算法用matlab的M语言实现,该算法可以有效解决数值寻优,且实时性好,寻优收敛速度快,相比遗传算法,寻优更准确(direck algorithm matlab the M language, the algorithm can effectively solve numerical optimization, and real-time, optimizing the convergence speed, compared with the genetic algorithm optimization is more accurate)
    2014-01-21 10:44:56下载
  • LSSVMlabv1_8_R2006a_R2009a
    多输入多输出最小二乘支持向量机,多输入多输出最小二乘支持向量回归机,(lssvm,Multi-output least-squares support vector regression machines)
    2017-04-05 16:21:08下载
  • Dipole_Matlab
    The above matlab code include the simulation of dipole antenna and current distribution using standard algorithm
    2013-08-15 13:39:42下载
  • xo
    说明:  XO Game with GUI 是一款用matlab编写的待用户界面的人工智能游戏。 This is an improvement on the previous text-based game that was previously created. This file features a GUI with the same AI and sound effects. The Computer plays based on very simple rules, yet it is difficult to beat. (XO Game with GUI is a matlab prepared to be used user interface artificial intelligence game. This is an improvement on the previous text-based game that was previously created. This file features a GUI with the same AI and sound effects. The Computer plays based on very simple rules, yet it is difficult to beat.)
    2007-12-05 18:16:23下载
  • test1
    股票预测,用于大家的股票预测,程序很精良,是大家的不错的一个选择。呵呵(Stock forecast, used for everyone s stock forecast, and the program is very excellent, is everyone s a good choice. Ha ha )
    2012-03-26 10:19:51下载
  • matlab
    这个压缩包主要介绍了matlaB的基础和应用,里面是一些基础内容(matlaB )
    2012-05-15 23:00:27下载
    这是研究生毕业论文做的项目——基于粒子滤波和卡尔曼滤波的卫星定位技术。附件中包含了无线信道估计和均衡、TDOA测距、IMM-KF滤波的所有程序,希望对从事无线定位技术的开发人员有帮助。独家奉献。(This is the project graduate thesis do-- Based on satellite positioning technique of particle filter and Calman filter. Annex contains all the applications of wireless channel estimation and equalization, TDOA distance, IMM-KF filter, and they hope to help in the wireless location technology development personnel. Exclusive dedication.)
    2013-08-31 22:15:21下载
  • myGoldenSection
    Matlab implmentation of Golden Section method used in unconstrained optimization for a single variable
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