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于 2012-10-26 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  两种数据读取的方法,希望能给matlab的初学者一定的借鉴,能学点就学点吧学弟学妹们加油啊(Two kinds of data read method, the hope can give matlab beginners reference, can learn some schooling point it drove to the lower classwoman refueling ah)



0 个回复

  • SVMexamples
    数据挖掘的新方法-支持向量机书中算法例子,对学习有帮助。(new data mining methods-book support vector machine algorithm example, to learn helpful.)
    2006-12-25 08:15:25下载
  • cbea_A1
    基于云模型算法的实现。二维,十维,三十维,在目标范围内搜寻最优解(Based on cloud model algorithm. Two-dimensional, 10 dimensional, 30 dimensional, in the search for optimal solutions within target range)
    2010-07-30 11:50:17下载
  • final
    遗传 算法 ,基于matlab实现,通过选择、交叉、变异,经过多次的迭代从而找到最优个体(Genetic algorithm, based on matlab implementation, through selection, crossover, mutation, after several iterations to find the best individual)
    2010-10-13 15:05:55下载
  • LoadflowOfGauss
    It is an Gauss_saidel method programed in Matlab. The effectiveness is tested by one benchmark function.
    2011-01-02 14:17:57下载
  • sldemo_antiwindup
    Explores the anti-windup capabilities supported by the PID Controller block in Simulink.
    2013-07-31 20:29:01下载
  • pll
    关于pll的simulink模型,希望对大家有用。(a module of pll by using simulink.hope it be helpful)
    2011-11-02 09:56:33下载
  • Fuzzy_Image
    This is a first test of a fuzzy image processing application. The following is the documentation and other classes
    2014-02-07 16:22:45下载
  • matlabchengxu
    matlab程序,通滤波器的例子,详细的看,适合初学matlab和图形图像处理的例子(matlab procedures pass filter example, detailed view, suitable for beginners and graphics image processing matlab example)
    2007-12-04 10:04:26下载
  • lorenzlyapunov
    一个求解李雅普诺夫指数的matlab程序,程序已经测试通过,适合matlab的初学者(Solving a Lyapunov exponent of the matlab program, the program has been tested for matlab beginner)
    2009-10-23 11:13:26下载
  • MappedTensor
    Manages very large tensors of arbitrary dimensions as mapped files on disk. (This class transparently maps large tensors of arbitrary dimensions to temporary files on disk. Referencing is identical to a standard matlab tensor, so a MappedTensor can be passed into functions without requiring that the function be written specifically to use MappedTensors. This is opposed to memmapfile objects, which cannot be used in such a way. MappedTensor also offers support for basic operations such as permute, without requiring space for the tensor to be allocated. An existing binary file can also be mapped, similarly to memmapfile. However, memmapfile offers more flexibility in terms of file format. )
    2010-12-14 15:17:16下载
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