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  自适应均衡领域的经典算法,最小均方误差算法(LMS)算法的数字均衡器建模源代码。建模建立了一个通信系统的收发两端,并模拟了信道衰减和噪声。并在接收端使用了数字均衡器。主程序中一次在接收端使用了自适应均衡器,另一次没有使用,可以清楚看到均衡前后误码率的差别。(The field of classical adaptive equalization algorithm, the minimum mean square error algorithm (LMS) algorithm for modeling digital equalizer source code. Modeling the establishment of sending and receiving ends of a communication system, and simulate the channel attenuation and noise. And at the receiving end using a digital equalizer. Once the main program at the receiving end using adaptive equalizer, another did not use, you can clearly see the difference before and after the equalizer BER.)



0 个回复

  • calmf1111
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