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于 2015-02-08 发布 文件大小:506KB
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  Overview of Basic Image file format and basic matlab code



0 个回复

  • faultlocation_lxn1
    基于分布参数模型的比相式单相故障单端测距算法 关键词:输电线路;单端故障测距;分布参数:比相;ArP 仿真(Distributed parameter model based on single-phase than with single-ended fault location algorithm Key words: transmission line single-ended fault location distribution parameters: ratio of phase ArP Simulation)
    2010-07-15 13:04:27下载
  • FEM_Eq2
    to solve the ordinary differential equation given as x^2 u - 2x u - 4u = x^2, 10 < x < 20 u(10) = 0 and u(20) = 100 using 10 linear elements
    2010-10-28 18:50:14下载
  • ADRC
    本程序中仿真了关于ADRC的一些基本例子仿真,并说明了ADRC的一些基本优点和好处(In this program the simulation about some basic examples of ADRC simulation, and explained some of the advantages and benefits of ADRC)
    2014-12-19 11:01:34下载
  • msf7
    绘制模糊标记为7时的隶属函数图像的源程序(Draw for the 7:00 mark of the fuzzy membership function image of the source)
    2010-08-09 15:02:24下载
  • liziqun
    说明:  用C语言编的关于粒子群的流程和代码,期待进一步验证(Made with C language on the particle swarm process and code, look forward to further verify)
    2008-09-20 15:31:02下载
  • l1qc_example
    压缩感知代码,matlab,l1qc_example(Compressed Sensing code Matlab, l1qc_example)
    2012-04-30 17:45:02下载
  • script_ber_2x2_alamouti_stbc_code_bpsk_rayleigh_c
    2x2 Alamouti BPSK Rayleigh
    2014-09-10 23:40:44下载
  • Edge-based-text-region-extraction-from-natural-im
    The basic steps of the edge-based text extraction algorithm are given below 1. Create a Gaussian pyramid by convolving the input image with a Gaussian kernel and successively down-sample each direction by half. (Levels: 4) 2. Create directional kernels to detect edges at 0, 45, 90 and 135 orientations. 3. Convolve each image in the Gaussian pyramid with each orientation filter. 4. Combine the results of step 3 to create the Feature Map. 5. Dilate the resultant image using a sufficiently large structuring element (7x7 [1]) to cluster candidate text regions together. 6. Create final output image with text in white pixels against a plain black background.
    2014-12-16 02:56:28下载
  • kinds-of-fir-digital-filter
    用matlab设计的四种fir滤波器,低通、高通、带通、带阻等四种滤波器(Matlab design four kinds of fir filter, low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, rejection and so on four kind of filter.)
    2014-12-23 09:26:30下载
  • tongbufadianji
    同步发电机 两相对地短路仿真(无阻尼情况)(Synchronous generator two relatively short-circuited (no damping))
    2013-05-07 20:43:08下载
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