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于 2021-03-01 发布 文件大小:8970KB
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  无线传感器网络余种定位算法matlab代码,包括DV-Hop和RSSI算法等等,十分全面实用,解压后加入路径即可开始仿真。(Kinds of wireless sensor network positioning algorithm matlab code, including the DV-Hop and RSSI algorithm and so on, very comprehensive and practical, to start the simulation after decompression path.)


..........\.........\Organizing a Global Coordinate System from Local Information on an Ad Hoc Sensor Network.pdf,815070,2010-04-25
..........\....\Range-Free Localization Schemes for Large Scale.pdf,277526,2011-03-03
..........\Bounding Box
..........\............\Distributed Localization in Wireless Ad Hoc.pdf,238713,2010-04-23

..........\........\GPS-less Low-Cost Outdoor Localization.pdf,476056,2011-02-28
..........\Deploy Nodes

..........\......\DV Based Positioning in Ad Hoc Networks.pdf,204998,2011-02-23
..........\Grid Scan
..........\.........\A Distributed Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Improved Grid-Scan and Vector-Based Refinement.pdf,3373230,2008-07-25
..........\.........\Range-Free Localization Schemes for Large Scale.pdf,287486,2008-12-04

..........\Localization Error
..........\.......\Localization from mere connectivity.pdf,659303,2009-03-26
..........\....\新建 文本文档.txt,2949,2010-06-06
..........\Topology Of WSN

..........\...............\Transmission Model
..........\...............\..................\About Models.bmp
..........\...............\..................\DOI Model
..........\...............\..................\.........\Research On This Model

..........\...............\..................\Logarithmic Attenuation Model
..........\...............\..................\.............................\Research On This Model


..........\...............\..................\Regular Model
..........\...............\..................\.............\Research On This Model


..........\...............\..................\RIM Model



0 个回复

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