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于 2015-02-11 发布 文件大小:8421KB
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  啊蔡特征码定位器,我不知道怎么用,留个大家(Ah Choi signature locator, I do not know how to use, leave everyone)



0 个回复

  • modem-gprsv-R57_G_10.06.42I-r2.tar
    一个有关GMSK基带调制和实现的MATLAB程序,自己编写的,请高手指教! (on a GMSK baseband modulation and realization of the MATLAB program, the preparation of their own, experts advise.)
    2007-03-24 21:07:05下载
  • CODE_UPLOAD53334292000
    print & generate barcode
    2015-01-16 12:41:25下载
  • matlab
    总结了最基本和最常用的mattlab源码,很实用(Summarizes the most basic and most common mattlab source, it is practical)
    2014-02-07 16:17:04下载
  • wind_power_in_power_systems
    研究风电接入对电力系统影响的经典书籍,适用于相关专业人士(classical text book to learn about winder power and its affect on power system)
    2012-01-19 23:36:37下载
  • Noise
    说明:  雷达回波模块当中的干扰噪声以及杂波噪声的仿真程序(Radar module which noise and clutter noise interference emulator)
    2011-02-23 00:08:10下载
  • vc调用matlab
    将一个m文件转成c /cpp文件并在VC中进行编译。这种方法有个烦人的地方,每次你都需要把matlab生成的一 大堆c和h文件考到vc中,比如我读入一副图片先做膨胀,再腐蚀,再进行小波变换,最后 显示。这样一个程序会生成大概150多个文件,每次都要拷贝这些文件很不方便。我试着用 了另外一种方法,可以简化这些工作。那就是不生成cpp文件交给VC去编译,而是直接在m atlab中生成一个dll交给VC去链接即可。这样无论matlab生成多少文件,都只需要拷贝三 个文件即可。 (m to a document conversion c/cpp files and compile VC. Such a method is a nagging place every time you need Matlab has generated a lot of c and h vc document examination, for example, I read a photo, first expansion, and corrosion, further wavelet transform, the last show. Such a procedure will probably generate more than 150 documents, each copy of these documents must be very inconvenient. I tried another kind of approach can simplify their work. It is not generating cpp documents to the VC to compile, but m atlab directly in the formation of a dll to the VC to link. No matter how many documents generated Matlab, only three need to copy documents.)
    2005-03-22 21:40:12下载
  • FFT_Matlab
    本文是一片关于FFT的Matlab仿真分析,很具体,配有大量清晰的仿真图片~~有利于FFT初学者的学习(This article is one of the Matlab simulation on the FFT analysis, very specific, clear配有大量simulation picture ~ ~ is conducive to learning for beginners FFT)
    2009-01-15 17:06:36下载
  • GA
    说明:  关于GA的c++代码和matlab代码的一个文件,可以做一个性能对比后,选择使用(On GA in c++ code and matlab code of a file, you can make a performance comparison, the option of using)
    2010-06-01 15:29:19下载
  • part_developer
    doccument for part deverloper
    2014-12-09 11:57:55下载
  • bch
    BCH码的原理及BCH (15, 5)码MATLAB编译码仿真过程(BCH code of principles and BCH (15, 5) code decoding simulation MATLAB)
    2010-11-21 17:44:34下载
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