Pulse Code Modulation脉宽调制技术的matlab示例代码。(Pulse Code Modulation Pulse Width Modulation technology, matlab sample code.)
- 2010-09-17 21:00:32下载
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FSK信号鉴频的程序.This program implements the function of finding out the largest and the second largest values of the sequence of "in_buffer[10]"(FSK signal frequency of the procedure. This program implements the function of finding out the largest and the second largest values of the sequence of in_buffer [10] )
- 2007-11-14 01:25:46下载
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Hard decision TPC coding sceme.
- 2010-09-13 20:05:30下载
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利用卡尔曼滤波器对输入的加有噪声的随机信号做估计,可根据谱估计预测运动变化情况(Kalman filter using the input signal plus a random noise, make estimates, based on changes in spectral estimation predicted motion)
- 2011-01-02 16:40:21下载
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基于模拟退火算法的马尔科夫蒙特卡洛算法matlab程序,实现了对levy函数的优化。(A Markov Chain Monte Carlo alogrithm based on annealing phenomenon,which maximzies and minimizes the levy function.
- 2015-07-15 15:35:36下载
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matlab reference manual
- 2010-06-13 20:49:14下载
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说明: 摘 要 盲图像恢复的主要困难是信息不足,而为了恢复图像和确定点扩散函数需要适当的先验知识。解决这个问题的法、 法以及正则化方法等。但是这些方法的计算量都太大,针对上述方法的不足,文章提出了一种恢复图方法有图像的新算法,它通过恢复残差的最小化和后验概率的最大化来估计参数和恢复图像。其中,巧妙地利用了最陡梯度法和
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- 2009-02-28 10:23:13下载
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正则化粒子滤波程序,对SIR重采样步骤进行正则化处理,改进粒子滤波效果。(Particle filter regularization procedures, SIR resampling steps regularization, improved particle filtering.)
- 2010-11-12 09:38:07下载
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a wonderful book for beginners in C
- 2010-12-19 18:10:47下载
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在matlab2011b环境下 搭建了永磁同步电机空间矢量调制的仿真模型,仿真效果比较满意。另外根据需要自己搭建了pmsm的电机本体模型。(In matlab2011b environment to build a simulation model of permanent magnet synchronous motor space vector modulation, simulation results were satisfactory. Also, according to the need to build their own model of pmsm the motor body.)
- 2014-12-19 15:21:33下载
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