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于 2013-11-21 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  基于负熵最大的ICA 算法在matlab运行的代码(Based on negative entropy maximum ICA algorithm in matlab code that runs)



0 个回复

  • ofdm_LS_channel
    超宽带中,基于MB-OFDM的信道估计的MATLABA仿真程序(UWB based on MB-OFDM channel estimation MATLABA the simulation program)
    2009-01-08 11:39:42下载
  • MatlabVB
    MATLAB具有强大的科学计算功能, 含有大量多目标优化分析函数。依据技术将函数在 环境下进行调用, 进行多目标优化集成系统开发, 实现数据的自动输入和输出功能, 编制了MATLAB与VB的数据接口代码, 提出程序设计时应注意的问题。(MATLAB has powerful scientific computing functions, contains a large number of multi-objective optimization analysis function. Based technology will function in the environment calls for multi-objective optimization of integrated system development, automated data input and output functions, the preparation of the MATLAB data interface with the VB code, the program design should pay attention to the problem.)
    2008-07-21 12:38:40下载
  • n4sid1
    子空间辨识程序,可以根据ARX模型,随机的输入输出数据得到系统矩阵(subspace identification matlab)
    2020-10-29 19:39:56下载
  • goukan
    包括单边带、双边带、载波抑制及四倍频,窗函数法设计一个数字带通FIR滤波器,插值与拟合的matlab实现。( Including single sideband, double sideband, suppressed carrier and quadruple, A window function design FIR digital band-pass filter, Interpolation and fitting matlab implementation.)
    2016-09-17 22:05:24下载
  • AdapativeEchoCancell
    一种改进的自适应滤波算法,它通过选择自适应滤波器的系数更新时间间隔,在系统的收敛速度与计算量之间取得折衷 算法在每次系数更新时,利用了系统过去时刻数据(An improved adaptive filtering algorithm, it by selecting the adaptive filter coefficient update interval, the convergence rate and the trade-off between computation algorithm to update each coefficient, the use of the system data over the past time)
    2010-08-12 10:39:55下载
  • LMS算法的频域快速实现
    This program simulates plant identification using frequency block least mean square (FBLMS) alogrithm reference: 《LMS算法的频域快速实现》 LMS is modified by XXX in XXX place, see details in XXX relevant document(This program simulates plant identification using frequency block least mean square (FBLMS) alogrithm reference: LMS algorithm in frequency domain rapid LMS is modified by XXX in XXX place, see details in XXX relevant document)
    2020-07-04 00:20:02下载
  • BMC
    bmc music 对bpsk信号的doa估计(bmc music for bpsk)
    2013-08-04 11:57:47下载
  • GLPK
    线性规划求解器GLPK的使用说明,非常适合GLPK的学习(Linear programming solver GLPK s instructions, ideal for learning GLPK)
    2010-08-09 17:05:19下载
  • ApplicationImproved--r-Algorithm
    粒子滤波算法在非线性系统中得到了广泛的应用,其精度取决于目标概率函数和重要性函数是否相近,并且样本退化问题也影响了算法的性能。针对粒子滤波算法中样本退化的问题,本文提出一种基于奇异值分解的粒子滤波算法。该算法通过使用奇异值分解方法得到的重要性概率密度函数更接近于目标概率分布,降低样本退化的影响,提高了滤波器的精度,然后在列车组合定位系统的数学模型中应用该算法进行仿真实验。 (Particle filter algorithm for nonlinear systems is widely used, its accuracy depends on whether the target probability function and importance of the functions are similar, and sample degradation also affects the performance of the algorithm. For particle filter algorithm sample degradation problem, this paper proposes a particle filter algorithm based on singular value decomposition. The algorithm by using singular value decomposition of the importance of the probability density function method to get closer to the target probability distribution, reduce sample degradation, improve the accuracy of the filter, and then apply the algorithm in combination mathematical model train positioning system simulation experiments. The simulation )
    2014-09-24 20:06:22下载
  • tsxsc
    利用MATLAB做三层框架结构的弹塑性分析,分析结构在地震作用下的位移反应(Using MATLAB to do a three-tier framework structure of the elastic-plastic analysis, analysis of the displacement response of the structure under seismic action)
    2020-06-29 21:20:02下载
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