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于 2015-02-25 发布 文件大小:328KB
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  segmentation The result of image segmentation is a set of segments that collectively cover the entire image, or a set of contours extracted the image (see edge detection). Each of the pixels in a region are similar with respect to some characteristic or computed property, such as color, intensity, or texture. Adjacent regions are significantly different with respect to the same characteristic(s).



0 个回复

  • CPSOieee14
    用粒子群算法进行无功优化,比较实用,希望对大家有帮助,14节点的,(Particle swarm algorithm with reactive power optimization, more practical, we want to help, 14 nodes,)
    2020-12-21 14:29:08下载
  • 2czsphf
    二次指数平滑法,仅供参考。需要学习的可以下来看一看(Secondary exponential smoothing method, are for reference only. Need to learn can be down to take a look at the)
    2012-10-23 09:56:05下载
  • A_star
    航迹规划MATLAB代码,基于A星算法的规划算法(Path planning MATLAB code, based planning algorithm A Star algorithm)
    2014-07-25 20:31:03下载
  • matlab-modeling-algorithm(1)
    本资料包包含了系统的matlab建模用算法(This pack contains the system matlab modeling algorithm used)
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  • NLP
    matlab最优化程序包括 无约束一维极值问题 进退法 黄金分割法 斐波那契法 牛顿法基本牛顿法 全局牛顿法 割线法 抛物线法 三次插值法 可接受搜索法 Goidstein法 Wolfe.Powell法 单纯形搜索法 Powell法 最速下降法 共轭梯度法 牛顿法 修正牛顿法 拟牛顿法 信赖域法 显式最速下降法(matlab optimization program includes one-dimensional extremum problem without constraint advance and retreat method Fafei Bo Fibonacci golden section method the basic Newton method, global Newton method Newton secant parabola method acceptable to the three interpolation methods Wolfe.Powell search method Goidstein simplex method Searching Powell steepest descent method conjugate gradient method modified Newton method Newton Newton trust region method to be explicitly steepest descent method)
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