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于 2013-12-27 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  用matlab实现了简单的图像处理,频率滤波(Using matlab to achieve a simple image processing, frequency filtering)



0 个回复

  • inverter_1671
    Single phase inverter in simulink
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  • WaterMarker102_exe_src
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  • hopf
    我编写hopf的神经网络应用程序,第一次上传(I prepared the neural network applications, the first upload)
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  • dalinsuanfa
    原来先进PID控制MATLAB中的大林算法例子在高版本的MATLAB中运行有较多错误,这是我经过修改,在MATLAB7.11.0中调试成功的代码。(The original advanced PID control the Daelim algorithm in MATLAB example high version of MATLAB run more error been modified, code debugging success in MATLAB7.11.0.)
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  • 97847556interleaver
    program about ofdm for transmitter and receiver signal run using matlab
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  • agh_chapter04
    lagre no of m file for matlab course code file # 3(lagre no of m file for matlab course code file# 3)
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