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  Matlab高级讲义之matlab语言基础(Matlab senior notes- matlab language based)



0 个回复

  • hechengkongjingjiance
    机载SAR合成孔径雷达的地面运动目标的检测关键技术研究,包含硕士研究论文一篇(Research on key technologies to detect ground moving target airborne synthetic aperture radar SAR, including a master' s research paper)
    2014-05-24 18:10:26下载
  • Boltzman
    说明:  用matlab实现的神经网络Hopfield网络算法,初步编写,欢迎指正(nertural network)
    2010-03-30 11:01:07下载
  • matlab_vs2008
    matlab vs2008混合编程,减少程序移植工作量。(matlab vs2008 mixed programming, reduce the workload of the transplant procedure.)
    2012-08-27 16:37:25下载
  • dft
    学习matlab的傅里叶变化小程序,没问题额(Fourier transform of small learning matlab program, the amount is no problem)
    2011-09-27 08:31:13下载
  • 2006141121337
    第一步:首先我们需要强大的SNMP信息收集和整理工具,网络中这类工具比较多,如果我们只是监控的话建议使用小巧的monomon即可,当然如果企业内部要自定义建立流量监控站点或服务中心的话可以使用其他支持SNMP的MRTG,PRTG等工具。我们可以到http://monomom.matf.de/download.php地址下载该程序,整个程序只有一个文件(Step one: First of all, we need strong SNMP information to collect and organize tools, network tools such as more, if we only recommend the use of surveillance, then compact monomon can, of course, if the custom-house to set up traffic monitoring site or service center If you can use other support SNMP-MRTG, PRTG, such as instrument. We can http://monomom.matf.de/download.php address to download the program, the whole process only one document)
    2009-03-17 16:01:07下载
  • BSpline
    程序实现二次B样条平滑,三次B样条平滑;二次B样条平滑后节点插值(Program to achieve the second B-spline smoothing, cubic B-spline smoothed after the second B-spline interpolation smooth node)
    2014-12-07 23:00:29下载
  • art-cpp
    《實戰C++ — 八個別具特色的實作經驗》與目前市面㆖ 眾多C++ 書籍的最大不同,在於 本書既非基礎觀念之教㈻ 書籍,亦非開發工具之使用手冊,而是以「㆒ 章㆒ 專案」的方式, 從實際應用面引領讀者領略C++。 本書是《The Art of C++》的㆗ 文譯本。原作者Herbert Schildt 是㆒ 位㈻ ㈲ 專精、著作等身的 IT 技術作家,其作品普遍獲得良好評價。(err)
    2007-11-22 15:39:38下载
  • Kalman-matlab
    传感器姿态解算 matlab工具箱全部程序自带测试文件程序(Sensor attitude algorithm matlab toolbox full program comes with the test documentation procedures)
    2013-07-11 14:51:08下载
  • levinson
    图1为均衡带限信号所引起失真的横向或格型自适应均衡器(其中横向FIR系统长M=11), 系统输入是取值为±1的随机序列,其均值为零;参考信号;信道具有脉冲响应: 式中用来控制信道的幅度失真(W = 2~4, 如取W = 2.9,3.1,3.3,3.5等),且信道受到均值为零、方差(相当于信噪比为30dB)的高斯白噪声的干扰。试比较基于下列几种算法的自适应均衡器在不同信道失真、不同噪声干扰下的收敛情况(对应于每一种情况,在同一坐标下画出其学习曲线): 1)横向/格-梯型结构LMS算法 2)横向/格-梯型结构RLS算法 并分析其结果。(Figure 1 is a band-limited signal caused balanced horizontal or lattice distortion adaptive equalizer (FIR system in which the lateral length M = 11), the system input is the value of a random sequence of ± 1, mean zero reference signal channel has impulse response: Wherein the amplitude of the distortion for the control channel (W = 2 ~ 4, and so as to take W = 2.9,3.1,3.3,3.5), and subjected to a channel with zero mean and variance (equivalent SNR is 30dB) Gaussian white noise. Compare the following types of algorithm-based adaptive equalizer in a different channel distortion, the convergence of different noise interference (corresponding to each situation, draw their learning curve in the same coordinate): 1) landscape/grid- LMS algorithm ladder structure 2) landscape/grid- RLS algorithm ladder structure And analyze the results.)
    2020-07-02 22:40:01下载
  • matlab-command-window
    用编程的方式修改MATLAB命令窗口的前景色和背景色(Programmatically modify the MATLAB command window to the foreground and background colors)
    2013-04-15 21:15:46下载
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