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于 2013-12-31 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  语音信号的时域、频域分析,包括短时能量分析、短时平均过零率、自相关函数、短时平均幅度差函数等。(Time-domain speech signal, frequency domain analysis, including short-term energy analysis, the average short-term zero-crossing rate, autocorrelation function, such as short-time average magnitude difference function.)





0 个回复

  • sinpro
    这是一个小波语音降噪程序,很详细,有参考价值。(This is a wavelet voice noise reduction program, in great detail, a valuable reference.)
    2020-06-30 11:20:02下载
  • xmms-fxt.tar
    这是一个xmms的3D音效插件。算法简单,效率很高,如果使用音箱来听效果会更好!(xmms This is a 3D audio plugin. Algorithm is simple, highly efficient, if used to listen to speakers results will be better!)
    2006-09-04 11:11:18下载
  • 20080426
    信息融合方面得例题,对已知要求的目标,利用动态矩阵控制(DMC)使其达到期望值。所有程序均已通过调试。希望对大家有所帮助(Example of information integration have on the known requirements of the target, the use of Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC) to reach the expectations. All have been through the debugging process. I hope all of you to help)
    2008-04-26 13:07:28下载
  • jinchangMUSIC2
    近场的MUSIC算法,可用于近场噪声源识别(Near-field MUSIC algorithm can be used for near-field noise source identification)
    2021-04-03 16:49:06下载
  • tibaoluo
    基于倒谱短时部分反映了语音的声道特性,先用汉明窗取一帧语音,然后经变换得到语音倒谱,将倒谱短时部分取出,进行正交反变换后将得到声道的对数谱,即得到语音频谱的包络。将频谱包络和频谱画在一张图上,有很好的对比效果。获取的包络效果十分好。(Based Cepstral partly reflects the short channel characteristics of the speech, first take a Hamming window with a frame of speech, and speech cepstrum obtained by converting the cepstrum short segment out inverse orthogonal transform to obtain channel will of the spectrum, i.e. to obtain the envelope of the speech spectrum. The spectral envelope and spectral painted on a chart, there is a good contrast. Get the envelope effect is very good.)
    2013-11-01 14:13:17下载
  • speech-enhancement
    本资料涵盖了几乎所有的语音增强方面的方法,主要有谱减法,听觉掩蔽,最小均方误差,维纳滤波以及一些非主流的方法,这些对于研究语音增强的人来说是很有帮助的(The data cover almost all aspects of speech enhancement methods, the main spectral subtraction, auditory masking, minimum mean square error, Wiener filtering as well as some non-mainstream approach, which for the study of speech enhancement is helpful for people who)
    2021-05-13 09:30:03下载
  • Enhancement_colume_masking
    1.单通道语音增强算法; 2.一种能够快速跟踪噪声变化的,基于噪声统计特性的噪声估计算法,结合谱减法进行消除噪声; 3.算法复杂度适中,可以满足实时性(1. Single-channel speech enhancement algorithm 2. A fast-track noise can change, based on the noise statistical properties of the noise estimation algorithm, combined with spectral subtraction to eliminate noise 3. Algorithm moderate complexity to meet the real-time)
    2008-12-10 10:45:39下载
  • Eriksson_method
    基于单通道的在线次级通道建模的主动 噪声控制FXLMS算法的MATLAB实现( a single channel feed-forward active noise control system based on On-line secondary path modellingthe FxLMS alogrithms You can find many information about this simulation in "Use of random noise for online transducer estimate in an adaptive attenuation system " written by L,J Eriksson and M.A Allie in 1989.)
    2012-12-03 15:41:11下载
    特定人语音情感识别系统 关键词:语音信号,情感特征,情感识别 含论文、源代码、实验数据等( EMOTION RECOGNITION OF SPEECH BASED ON MATLAB Keywords:Speech Signal,Emotional Feature,Emotion Recognition)
    2012-05-02 10:10:52下载
  • adpcm
    ADPCM(Adaptive Pluse Coding Modular)便解码器,供大家学习参考(ADPCM (Adaptive Pluse Coding Modular) decoder will be available for everyone to learn the reference)
    2008-08-17 10:05:51下载
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