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  核反应堆LQG/LTR控制器设计实例,有较好的学习意义,值得一看(Nuclear reactor LQG/LTR controller design example, a better sense of learning, worth a visit)



0 个回复

  • DFT
    1)编写DFT子函数(计算并画出幅频特性),以后可调用。 2)N=32,M=32,128,256时,分析频率分辨率、频谱的光滑程度。 3)N=64,256,512时,分析频率分辨率和频谱的光滑程度。 (1) the preparation of DFT Functions (calculated and drawn amplitude-frequency characteristics), the future can be called. 2) N = 32, M = 32,128,256, the analysis of the frequency resolution, the degree of smooth spectrum. 3) N = 64,256,512, the analysis of the frequency spectrum resolution and the degree of smoothness.)
    2009-04-08 22:47:25下载
    2009-04-30 16:39:01下载
  • voicebox
    A section focussing specifically on the linear prediction of speech then begins. The anatomical process of speech production is described, followed by an introduction to a theoretical linear model of the process
    2011-01-24 22:54:13下载
  • ukf
    说明:  EKF仅仅利用了非线性函数Taylor展开式的一阶偏导部分(忽略高阶项),常常导致在状态的后验分布的估计上产生较大的误差,影响滤波算法的性能,从而影响整个跟踪系统的性能。最近,在自适应滤波领域又出现了新的算法——无味变换Kalman滤波器(Unscented Kalman Filter-UKF)。UKF的思想不同于EKF滤波,它通过设计少量的σ点,由σ点经由非线性函数的传播,计算出随机向量一、二阶统计特性的传播。因此它比EKF滤波能更好地迫近状态方程的非线性特性,从而比EKF滤波具有更高的估计精度。 (EKF only uses non-linear function of the first-order Taylor expansion of some partial derivatives (ignoring higher order terms), often leading to the posterior distribution of the state estimates to generate large errors affect the performance of filtering algorithms, which affect the whole tracking system performance. Recently, the field of adaptive filtering algorithms and the emergence of new- and tasteless transform Kalman filter (Unscented Kalman Filter-UKF). EKF UKF filter is different from the idea that it points through the design of a small amount of σ by σ point spread through the nonlinear function to calculate the random vector first and second order statistical properties of the transmission. Therefore it is better than the EKF filter nonlinear characteristics equation of state approach, which is more than the EKF filter estimation accuracy.)
    2011-03-19 11:50:18下载
  • Lab_6
    Lecture of programiring for C language part 6
    2014-09-02 20:10:21下载
  • edgedetection
    进行边缘检测,效果比较好,和其他几种进行比较之后显示出优势(process edgedetection)
    2011-10-08 15:09:01下载
  • Weighted-ELM-Codes-for-Binary-Problems
    Weighted ELM for imbalanced datasets - Weighted-ELM W. Zong, G.-B. Huang, and Y. Chen, “Weighted extreme learning machine for imbalance learning,” Neurocomputing, vol. 101, pp. 229-242, 2013.
    2013-10-28 11:36:56下载
  • excellentmatlab1
    MATLABd编程应用与高级实例(MATLABd programming application with the High examples)
    2007-04-02 10:04:45下载
  • huiqei
    与理论分析结果相比,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率,最小均方误差等算法的MSE的计算。( Compared with the results of theoretical analysis, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency, Minimum mean square error MSE calculation algorithm.)
    2016-09-28 17:35:28下载
  • hanglishibi
    行列式阶次辨识在白噪声的情况下通过计算DR的值得到最终的结果。(The order identification of the determinant in the case of white noise by calculating the DR' s worth to the final result.)
    2011-04-24 12:18:13下载
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