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于 2010-08-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  改程序为一个matlab使用串口的实例程序,能够够在工程开发中提供一个无硬件测试提供帮助。(this is an example matlab program of using serial port, it s convenient to use this for project test of data acquisition application .)



0 个回复

  • 实验5-雅可比迭代
    用Matlab软件以及雅克比迭代和高斯-赛德尔迭代解方程组Ax=b,分析、比较其结果(using Matlab software and the iterative and Jacques than Gauss- Seidel iterative solution equations Ax = b, analysis, comparison of the results)
    2005-08-06 09:38:33下载
  • dynamicprograming
    This is a MATLAB M-File for Dynamicprograming which is the base of programming for power stations and utilizations of power systems.This has been done for a typical graf and can be used in wide range of programming.
    2011-05-11 22:36:04下载
  • Frequency-hopping-spread-s
    应用matlab语言防真和分析了一个1个频点的跳频通信系统的扩频通信过程;防真和分析了2个跳频信号跳频点的变化情况。(Application matlab language anti-truth and an analysis of the spread spectrum communication process a frequency hopping communication system anti-truth and analyze the changes in the two frequency-hopping signal hopping points.)
    2014-10-07 12:40:35下载
  • channel_est_real
    进行LTE 信道估计仿真器,对LTE进行信道估计,在LTE系统中是一个很重要的部分,是做链路级仿真必要步骤。(LTE channel estimater)
    2010-10-13 11:30:21下载
  • matlabimagesegment
    matlab实现商标文字分割~第一部分计算列梯度差,计算每个像素的列方向一定范围内(n)最大值和最小值的差距,统计该差值超过某一设定域值T的像素的个数,并将该统计个数存在 GY 向量。,第二部分计算行梯度差,计算每个像素的行方向一定范围内(n)最大值和最小值的差距,统计该差值超过某一设定域值T的像素的个数,并存在 GX 向量(matlab text segmentation ~ realize trademarks calculations are shown in the first part of the gradient difference, calculated for each pixel column direction of a certain range (n) the difference between maximum and minimum values, statistics of the difference exceeds a certain threshold T set of pixels of a few, and the statistics of the number of vectors exist GY. , The second part of the calculation line gradient difference, calculated for each pixel within a certain range direction (n) the difference between maximum and minimum values, statistics of the difference exceeds a certain threshold T set the number of pixels, and the existence of GX Vector)
    2008-05-15 20:05:27下载
  • a
    说明:  这是基本Matlab的仿真原码,功能是验证无码间干扰的条件,包含了滚降滤波,参杂噪声,衰减,和眼图。(This is substantially the Matlab simulation original code, the function is to verify the absence of inter-symbol interference conditions, contains a rolloff filter, mixed noise, attenuation, and eye diagram.)
    2012-11-22 23:54:56下载
  • SVM
    support vector machine (支持向量机)方法是目前分类方法中比较好的一个分类方法,实验证明准确度非常高!(support vector machine (support vector machine) method is a better classification of a classification method, experimental proof of a very high accuracy!)
    2008-07-19 17:54:23下载
  • kalman
    说明:  卡尔曼滤波,从Andrew D. Straw s Python 移植过来的(Kalman filter algorithm,This M code is modified from Andrew D. Straw s Python )
    2011-02-27 13:16:17下载
  • nihe
    基于matlab的曲线拟合,一种函数的拟合,完整代码(Based on the MATLAB curve fitting based on MATLAB curve fitting)
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  • myclock07
    Analog clock simulation in Matlab
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