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于 2021-03-11 发布 文件大小:45KB
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  通过C语言实现的AES CMAC加密和解密算法。上传文件为完整的VC6工程目录。AES加密算法即密码学中的高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES),又称Rijndael加密法,是美国联邦政府采用的一种区块加密标准。这个标准用来替代原先的DES,已经被多方分析且广为全世界所使用。经过五年的甄选流程,高级加密标准由美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST)于2001年11月26日发布于FIPS PUB 197,并在2002年5月26日成为有效的标准。AES 算法基于排列和置换运算。排列是对数据重新进行安排,置换是将一个数据单元替换为另一个。AES 使用几种不同的方法来执行排列和置换运算。 AES 是一个迭代的、对称密钥分组的密码,它可以使用128、192 和 256 位密钥,并且用 128 位(16字节)分组加密和解密数据。与公共密钥密码使用密钥对不同,对称密钥密码使用相同的密钥加密和解密数据。通过分组密码返回的加密数据的位数与输入数据相同。迭代加密使用一个循环结构,在该循环中重复置换和替换输入数据。(AES CMAC encryption and decryption algorithm C language. VC6 upload files to complete the project directory . AES encryption algorithm that is Cryptography Advanced Encryption Standard (Advanced Encryption Standard, AES), also known as Rijndael encryption method, a block encryption standard adopted by the U.S. federal government . This standard is used to replace the original DES, has been widely analyzed and multi used around the world . After five years of the selection process , the Advanced Encryption Standard by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on November 26, 2001 Posted in FIPS PUB 197, and May 26, 2002 became effective standards . AES algorithm based on permutation and substitution operations. Data re- arrangement is arranged , is replaced with a replacement unit of data to another . AES using several different methods to perform alignment and replacement operations. AES is an iterative , symmetric key block password , it can use 128, 192, and )





0 个回复

  • crc
    检测CRC编码 看CRC编码在传输后是否有错误 有变动 (Detection CRC codes to see whether the CRC coding errors in the transmission there is a change)
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  • chinashengyu
    一个中国剩余定理的简单算法,密码学基础算法(Chinese Remainder Theorem a simple algorithm, based on cryptography algorithm)
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  • des
    des经典加密算法,实现数据交互过程中的保密(des classical encryption algorithm, data confidentiality during the interaction)
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  • testdes
    是des的一种算法,被称为计数器模式(counter mode)(Is a des algorithm, known as the Counter mode (counter mode))
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